Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life Has To Go On

I am sorry i updated this so late - it is the wee hours of Thursday morning that I started to blog.

Being reason that I reached my parent's place today and was busy entertaining my grandmother and my parents.

It has been a very disturbing day but I guess I have to push a lot out of my mind as I have much more important things to do then to ponder about my mistakes - if any.

Sometimes you never know when you hurt others. Some people take it as " so be it" kind of attitude, some nurse the grudge and pain and await for the next moment to strike. In life you meet all sorts of people. Whom you believe to be good, sometimes is otherwise.

Life has to go on. Whatever the reasons, i accept. Whatever the answer i accept. Even if it is my mistake, i accept and i apologise and i move on. Never again will i intrude in their life again.

It so happen that recently i received an sms from an old pal whom is getting married soon and is intending to invite me for the wedding. The person who invited me, i never heard from this person for the past 3 or 5 years.

Naturally, I am very surprised that i am being invited. Considering all the things that was done, said, accused or whatever, I am still remembered as a friend.

As for me, I have long abandon the notion of friendship. It gets lonesome i guess but i have to move on - as we get older, we meet new people who appeal to us more than some old friends. Some friends you can grow old with, some you just have to let go.

I cant accuse ALL my friends to be bad of course. There are good friends, best friends and close friends.

I love all of them - but sometimes I think I am a bit too much i guess.. :)

One thing I learn, always willing to admit your mistakes. This is where your sincerity lies. If you know you have been bad. Admit it. At least they know that you realise your mistakes.

It has been a very quiet day for me. After dinner, I got ready, pack my bag and went home.

Intention is - to get some things up. there have been a few mails for me so i guess i have to check what it is all about.

I am so looking forward to the weekend. I got so many invitations - yes u guess it from my friends :)

I love you guys..whoever you are..


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