Sunday, November 30, 2008

Isu Tudung SIti Nurhaliza

Diam tak diam dah hampir setahun Datin Seri Hajjah Siti Nurhaliza menjadi Hajjah.

Apabila saya google nama dia, saya dapati masih ramai pembaca mempertikaikan keadaan Datin Seri Hajjah Siti Nurhaliza mengenai cara beliau memakai tudung.

Kalau mengikut hukum - kesemua wanita Islam wajib memakai tudung dan hanya tapak tangan dan mukanya sahaja yang boleh di lihatkan.

No tight fitting tops, no tight pants. Sesuai sekali kalau berjubah.

Tetapi, mengapa Siti sahaja yang di perkatakan? Sebab dia sudah menjadi Isteri atau Hajjah?

Lihat sekeliling anda, kalau ada yang rajin membaca majalah majalah gossip yang liar anda mesti ternampak gambar datin seri atau isteri isteri kepada Sultan Sultan atau orang kenamaan, yang sudah separuh abad atau lebih PUN tak bertudung.

Jangan cakap tudung, warna warni lagi rambut diaorang..kalahkan orang muda!

Memang saya akui saya peminat Datin Seri Hajjah Siti Nurhaliza sejak saya berusia belasan tahun lagi dan saya yakin dengan Siti.

Kalau anak sendiri tak nak bertudung jangan sibuk ngan anak orang.

Kalau rasa diri dah bagus sangat, jangan nak mengata sebab belum tahu esok lusa macam mana.

Kalau kat Malaysia, lengan pendek pun boleh bertudung...

Kalau kat Singapore, pakai baju pendek, bongkok sikit nampak seluar dalam pun boleh tudung..

Ish ish..Tak faham..

Tapi knowing me - since i am not perfect, i usually dont bother..but yang buat darah I menyirap, Siti tutup semua walaupun tak nampak seluar dalam dia pun kena kutuk!

So remember Ladies, bertudung hukumnya wajib. Sebelum anda mengutuk orang lain, anda periksa diri anda, kelakuan anda, kata kata anda, orang sekeliling saudara mara anda sebelumm memperkatakan orang lain :)

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee cerminkan diri anda dulu ye :)

Jangan main hembusssssss je ~ !


Terrorist claim the life of one of Singapore Daughter - Ms Lo Hwei Yen.

To her family - I would like to express my deepest condolences to you and we shared your grief.

But nothing can relief the pain not even time. We hope that all Singaporeans take note of the fact that terrorism is real and everyone can be a victim to it.

It is indeed sad and It is not fair.

I hope all will pray for the well being of the family.


I was revelling the Saturday night away until I realised that I have to work on Sunday! :(


There were some changes to our department's planning and noting that all pending works should be done by Saturday, we decide to be back on Sunday to clear our works.

Sometimes it is not the money that we want. We do need our rest.

We are aware that Hajj will be on next Monday and the idea of working through out the week till next Saturday did not appeal to me.

What disgust me most is while everyone is enjoying on those holidays that usually falls on the 1st of the month, I have to toil my ass away in the office.

1st January - New Year
1st May - Labour Day

These are the 2 confirmed holidays that I have to be at work. It is really tiring.

Anyway, I woke up at 5.45 am today, get myself ready and left mom's place at 6.30am. Took a cab back to Clementi as I have left my ID pass there and bought chee cheong fun for Jesz and prata for myself.

Left for work at 7.30 am and reach about 8 am.

Start working and while waiting for the system to complete what it is supposed to be doing, I look thru all blogs that I have in my list and some others that was recommended.

While reading, I was listening to the malay news on radio.

Sometimes I don't understand what MPs in the malay community is trying to say.

They were saying that malay families should not sacrifice their children's education by asking them to leave school when the family has not enough for them.

I mean which malay family will do that nowadays??? It is soooo in the 60s!

sigh~... i really dont get it...

Enough of that...will update some topics up soon.. there is so muchhhh i wanna talk about :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Dear All,

My apologies for the very late update. It was beginning of a very hectic week for me.

I do not even have enough sleep! haha..

Anywaes, I do not have much happening within this week.

As for the latest pic, I was at home, in time for my dad's birthday celebration.

My aunt and cousin happen to be around. Therefore it was kind of a small family gathering.

We had KFC,Pizza Hut and an ice cream cake from Swensen's!


I bought dad a simple Polo T from Ashworth as I do not know what to get for him.

I think it was a good idea as he is always out and about with mom nowadays.

Happy Birthday Dad! Love you!

Piccies - Dad's Birthday

Monday, November 24, 2008


It has been a rather interesting weekend.

It started off with a fancy dinner on Friday - alright it wasn't that fancy but it was nice.

Followed by a movie on Saturday.

Followed by some DVD shows on Sunday.

It was ok i guess.

Oh..I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine who just started her blog too

She is still learning and I hope readers will give her due support.

Orked - you will be listed on my blog! :)

Next update soon!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


In the middle of the night, I suffered a muscle cramped on my right leg. It was so bad that I was moaning in pain.

It happened when I stretch my leg which i believe is normal for everyone to do.

I was supposed to go for a walk today in the morning but had to cancel it and LAST WEEK I just recovered from the sprain that I got!

I understand that the pain will be felt for the next few days and have to bear with it.


Interesting Week

It has been a very interesting week.

I managed to get through it with the loads of work hanging over me.

I was pissed off by a client and at the same time return the fellow the favour.

Revenge is Sweet.. :)

I decided that I deserve a good dinner on Friday and that is exactly what I did.

A plate of grilled chicken with mushroom sauce at Secret Recipe followed by Hazelnutte at Coffee Club.

Hang around till about 1140 pm before I decide to head home.

sigh~ :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

December Holiday Break

I need a break badly and I am counting my days to it.

My holidays will start from the 19th December 2008 to 27th December 2008.

I will be staying in Petaling Jaya with a family friend and most probably going out shopping as well.

I am so excited about it as I intend to shop till I drop! hahaaaaaaaaaa...

Why? Cause I need a new wardrobe!

For friends and cousins who are coming to meet me - i have allocated a day or two to all 20th and 21st of December. Most probably a hotel in town which I have not decide where yet. Suggestion anyone?

Let me know if you wanna meet me up!



Marriage Jokes 2

The Silent Treatment

A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, 'Please wake me at 5:00 AM ' He left it where he knew she would find it. The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, 'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.' Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests.

A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, 'Relatives of yours?' 'Yep,' the wife replied , 'in-laws

'Cash, check or charge?' I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. 'So, do you always carry your TV remote?' I asked.'No,' she replied, ' but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.'

I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider.

A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day... 30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, 'The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men... The husband then turned to his wife and asked, 'What?'

A man said to his wife one day, 'I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.'The wife responded, 'Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me; God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!

A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning. The wife said, 'You should do it, because you get up first, and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee.' The husband said, ' You are in charge of cooking around here and you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee.' Wife replies, 'No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee.' Husband replies, 'I can't believe that, show me.' So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says..........'HEBREWS'

God may have created man before woman, but as the saying goes, there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.

Marriage Jokes

Before marriage....

He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.

She: Do you want me to leave?

He: No! Don't even think about it.

She: Do you love me?

He: Of course! Over and over!

She: Have you ever cheated on me?

He: No! Why are you even asking?

She: Will you kiss me?

He: Every chance I get.

She: Will you hit me?

He: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!

She: Can I trust you?

He: Yes.

She: Darling!

After marriage.... Simply read from bottom to top!

Jangan Stress...Baca ni!

Sorry - only for those who understand malay language..

ORANG YANG TIDAK JUJUR :Orang yang kalau kentut salahkan orang lain.

ORANG BANGANG :Orang yang tak sedar kalau dia tengah kentut

ORANG SENGSARA :Orang yang nak kentut tapi tak boleh

ORANG YANG MISTERI :Jika dia kentut, orang lain tak tau

ORANG GUGUP :Orang yang tiba2 menahan kentutnya saat kentut

ORANG BANGGA/RIAK :Orang yang ingat kentut dia wangi

ORANG SADIS :Orang yang kalau habis kentut, kentutnya dikibaskan dekat orang lain

ORANG PEMALU :Orang yang kentut tak bunyi, tapi malu sendiri

ORANG BANYAK IDEA :Orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak

ORANG YANG BERJIMAT :Orang yang habis kentut, menghirup kentutnya sendiri untuk menggantikan kentutnya yang keluar

ORANG PEMARAH :Kentutnya sungguh panas berapi.

ORANG SOMBONG :Orang yang kalau dia terkentut, akan diceritakan kentutnya itu berasal dari restoran mahal

ORANG BOSAN:Orang yang kalau kentut atau orang lain kentut, riak mukanya sama sahaja seperti tiada apa2 berlaku

ORANG RAMAH :Orang yang suka mencium kentut orang lain

ORANG YANG AKUATIK :Orang yang hobi kentut di dalam air.

ORANG YANG ATHLETIC :Orang yang kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalaman

ORANG JUJUR :Orang yang mengaku bila habis kentut meskipun orang lain tak tanya

ORANG KUAT INGATAN :Orang yang boleh tahu kentut orang lain dengan bau, bunyi serta kehangatannya.

ORANG MALANG :Orang lain yang kentut, tapi dia yang selalu kena.

ORANG MUZIK :Orang yang kentutnya berirama

ORANG INTERNET :Orang yang bunyi kentutnya macam bunyi modem.

ORANG KERAS KEPALA :Orang yang terus balas kentut jika ada orang lain yang berani kentut di depannya

ORANG TAK GUNA :Orang yang mengentuti orang lain tepat di mukanya.

Piccies - Artwork

Nice or not? A friend did it for me! Yay!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today, it was like history repeating itself.

I built a wall around me. After what I had find out, after what I had read, after what i know will happen, has happened, no point smiling when there is nothing to smile about.

I was very warm to deserving friends, very cold to some.

I am very sure some are perplexed to my behaviour.

Why Not?

Like i said, after so much has been done, so much has been pointed out before and what I had forewarned, it came true. Yet no one choose to listen.

I believe this wall will remain high and strong...until someone comes a long and manage to bring it down.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


While I was ironing clothes this morning, I ran through events that have happened for the past week at work.

I speculate what will happen from now on. No one can be certain. One thing for sure, I am no longer in my comfort zone.

A "tiger" has been unleashed and is invading into my territory.

Why tiger? They dont know who you are or what you are or what you do. All they want is to devour you.

That is exactly how i feel right now.

The word dispensable comes too often in my mind.

I had a chat with Orked on Saturday and she told me the same thing too. That when change wants to happen it should be implemented over a period of time. Not immediately and not to expect instant results.

Moreover, there was not enough study to indicate that the current process is redundant.

Orked is of the mind that, unless you wants to go through what we go through, you are not in a position to talk.

I had the same mentality.

Oh well, I appreciate the good times but in times like this, makes me sick of even returning.

A new life must unfold for me. I cannot take it anymore.

Here with I quote a famous officer who used to be my superior -

"Just do what you can, never exceed what you cant"

I was young then and naive and serving the country. But when i think back of what he says, it is true.

Once you exceed your ability, there is a certain expectation that people expects from you.

We are all humans and bound to make mistakes.

All we can is just try our best...

My target? 20th January 2009 - I will make it happen with God's will.

Pray for me


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Piccies - Straits Kitchen

Straits Kitchen

Straits Kitchen is a restaurant located at Hyatt Hotel - Scotts Road (beside Far East Plaza)

It is one of the famous restaurant that is certified Halal by MUIS.

I had the opportunity to dine there today as I am celebrating a birthday.

I had made the booking 2 weeks ago and invited Ming & friends.

So at 7pm, there were 4 of us, dining and helping ourselves to the wonderful buffet spreads.

I realised that there are mainly 4 categories,

Nyonya Section
Chinese Section
Indian Section
Indonesian Section

Dessert Section
(all racial types)

We had a wonderful dinner. 

I would really recommend those who have yet to visit this place, to go there. 

However, the charges do not come with the drinks and you are actually just paying for food only.

It was really good and I enjoyed myself very did the birthday Boy!.



ps:  I have to apologise for the pictures though. I had thought of bring the camera along but i didn't and had to make do with the Iphone camera. Sorry.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I give up!

In life you are given so many choices. I therefore have made up my choice.

After today's incident, I am reluctant to continue with what I am doing. I believe that there is more to life than just all this command and control...

Sometimes, the people above you do not understand the ground work. Sometimes the people at the bottom do not know what the people above is trying to do.

When you thought you are contributing, they will think the worst of you.

When you thought you are sacrificing, they will think you are taking advantage of a situation.

When you thought you are laughing, they think you are being lazy.

When you thought you are quarrelling - they think you got nothing better to do.

If such is the perception - so be it. 

I give up.

There is nothing more to say.

I shall just do what I can do to pass my time away. 

Life is short, i shall not spoilt it just because some people refusedddd to see it in another way. 

Strained Feet

Initially I wanted to say sprained but I don't think I sprained it but I strained it.

As the sports committee had announce that there will be a weekly run, I thought why not join in.

As I had bought new nike shorts and cap to go with, I decide to join.

What cause my strained muscle was due to the long long long long long time of not exercising. The last one i cant remember. 

hahah...I believe I should have gone slower and did more proper warm up. Lesson to be learnt?


HAHAHHHH Serve me Right! 

Happy Birthday Jesz!

Happy Birthday Jesz! 

May you be 

a. prosperous always
b. wealthy always
c. healthy always
d. happy always

God Bless You.

Best Regards,


HOTA / Smoking



What I told you before? 

Now I am in a dilemma. Since the last change in the Laws, all Singapore Muslims now must Opt Out in order not to be part of the HOTA. 

Now they want to reimburse or compensate those who actually donate their organ.

Initially it is FOC. 

My question would be, will the Malay Muslim Community who are tempted by the compensation (if it is approved can amount to tens of thousand) will start this?

We are part of it because of a ruling fatwa. 

If money changes hands (even though you call it compensation or whatsoever) it is still an act of inducement to me. 

There are many ways to reward a person and monetary is not one of them.

Why not allow a free medical attention or minimal payment for all these people who actually donate their organs for life?

I think this is a better inducement. Money do not last forever. 


I would like to believe that smoking causes lots of diseases.

However, in Singapore, it is a known fact that cigarettes is bringing in revenue for the country. (not much but its true)

However, since a child, we learn to know that cigarettes are made up of harmful toxins and other ingredients, why do people still actually smokes?

I would really hope that there would be a fatwa to ban ALL muslims from smoking.

As cigarettes harms the body and in the long run leads to diseases, it is therefore memudaratkan to a person.

If drinking is haram and if consuming pork is haram for ALL muslims, therefore it is logical to think that cigarettes is haram for it cause a lot of problem for a smoker. 

It also affects the person who happen to be around the smoker too.

Well they did released a Fatwa on donating organ, i think it is about time to ban the haram things as well.

What say you readers? 

If there is something good done for the benefit of every community, there must be something else to be done which will benefit every one too. 

Monday, November 10, 2008


Everyone is talking about it recently. It has been 10 years since the last recession.

I noticed one predictable issue - if the news mentioned something like today, the cut of CPF contribution from the employers, I am certainly sure it will be implemented. It's like telling the people to expect it to happen.

How do i know?

Remember our organ trading issue? Now they want to re-imburse us for donating our kidneys. People talk about it and they are about to legalise it.

Oh well, I will talk about it again.

Now Bed Time.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Berita Minggu

Today the headline in Berita Minggu is:

Ramai Suami Punca Masalah Sosial Keluarga Melayu/Islam

Truly, the topic itself is going to be a debate among husband and wife today.

First and foremost, I am not in a position to question the institution of marriage for I am still single. However it seems right that I do come to the rescue of the men in the family too.

The person who brought up this issue is naturally a women. A women who happen to counsel other women.

Women of the 21st century is naturally more spirited compared to our grandparents days. They are more educated given all sorts of rights that they have nowadays.

Even forced sex in a marriage is considered a rape.

However, let us examine the question as to why men are the causes of this issue.

Women believe that the men are:

1. not earning enough to support a family.

2. fooling around with other women

3. malay men are drug addicts.

These are the main issues that was raised.

However, this is what I am going to say to their issues:

1. Not earning enough to support a family

By nature, men are supposed to work and women cares for the household. This is the way it is and this was supposed to be.

However in the current 21st Century, both men and women work. Even our government encourage our women to work.

Let us now examine the reasons why women now goes to work:
1. Supplement family income
2. Financially Independent
3. Used to work even before marriage
4. Career minded

As our women are more educated nowadays compared to the men, they have been given the knowledge to choose what they want to do with their life. 

Men knows that this can be a problem but decides to make an issue out of it.

However men do shirk their responsibility too. Women on the other hand is too forgiving at times.
Before marriage, the men usually pays for all those dating lunches/dinners etc. Some even go for dutch BUT most of the time the men pays because if the women pays, i am sure the women will decide to call off the relationship after she pays for the 3rd time (some even after the 1st time !)

However, while proposing for marriage, the women may demand for a high dowry (hantaran). Not ALL men can afford a high dowry.

Now, let me bring you to an example. Ali earns $2K a month. After deducting CPF, he gets $1.6K a month. Ali has parents to care for and a wife to be.

His household expenses for his parents is about $700.00 and Ali is left with $900.00.

Ali saves $450.00 a month for his wife to be dowry which is $7000.00!

Dear readers, take $7000.00 divide by $450.00 = 16 months to save!
This is not inclusive of the wedding banquet and other expenses. Assuming that Ali invites about 500 guest and each guest is charged at $10.00 per guest, it is $5000.00.

Before marriage Ali is already burden with $12000.00 or more to prepare for a wedding. Astaghfirullah!

The women is not spared. Wanting to look her best, she engage the best mak andam available price can range from $3K to $10K even.

Not forgetting the banquet at the women's side as well. This will bring a total of about $20K on average for the very basic.

Secondly, take a look at the requirements on applying a flat. Regardless of the requirement, the most important thing that one must have is the CASH. Without it, nothing can get done.

With our dear Ali earning $2K and splurging on a wedding plus a flat to book, how can he saved enough for it?

Naturally a bank loan is the answer - (oh i miss out on the honeymoon)

Even before marriage, he might already be in debt.

Once married, he has to give nafkah to his wife. even if she is working, HE have to give her the nafkah - this is the right for ALL muslim women stated clearly.

So now imagine Ali $2K salary is divide among

1. His family
2. His wife
3. His housing loan (if any)
4. His household expenses

This is the worst possible scenario than I am giving. There are better scenarios too.

Readers, tell me, is the dowry an aspect of Islam? I remembered that only the Mas Kahwin is important not the wang hantaran.

And also why burden your future son-in-law for dowries? Are you selling your daughters or giving your daughters away?

However, assuming that Ali has the financial means to have a great wedding, he has no debts for housing loan.

He earns the same and gives his wife maybe about $200.00 in nafkah and additional $800.00 in household expenses - tell me for a family of four, is $800.00 enough?

Whether enough or not, we have to live within our means. The men has tried his best and there are ways for the women to help out. As long as all are for the mutual benefit of the family, women should be accepting of what the men goes through.

However, this situation may arises if the men takes advantage of it. If the women earns more than her share, the men may not give her any nafkah at all. Citing reasons that the women earns more than him, therefore do not need his nafkah is WRONG. Does this mean, if the women earns more than him, that SHE has now to give him nafkah?

Another scenario would be She works and He stays home to look after the household and manage the children. Is this right in the first place? Only God Knows.

2. Men Fooling Around
By nature itself, men has their needs. However, my query would be, is the women equally to be blamed?
I do have friends who are married that complaint to me that their wives refused to be intimate with them. The reasons usually - tired.

True, everyone is tired after a hard day at work but we must learn to relax.

With the exception of the menstrual days that a women have to go through, they are obliged to
meet the needs of the men as much as the men are obliged to stay PUT to one woman only and not to throw his seeds all over the place.

Islam allows a man is to marry up to 4 BUT if he can be fair to all of them; but if he can't stay put to 1. Fair in this aspect - financially, sexually, in time etc.

Intimacy must be renewed so that one feels loved and always be loved. This i understand very much is part of the human emotions.

Fooling around usually occurs when:

1. One do not have faith in one's partner 
2. No Renewed Intimacy
3. When the wife is too preoccupied with work, kids, family etc.

However for the men, they seldom burden themselves with the upbringing of the children or the household chores. 

My suggestion: Start doing them and learn to get closer to your children. It helps to keep you out of mischief. 

By the way, household chores don't make you less of a man. Instead, it will set the standards to your children; that they have to help out at home too.

3. Malay Men are Drug Addicts
This is a very expensive hobby. Women whose boyfriends belong to this category, should NOT marry him in the first place no matter how much he begged you no to leave him.

I used the same reasoning to my family members. He will crawl back to that habit the moment the leash is let loose.

It is definitely true for this. I have yet to meet a chinese addict. I am sure there is but unfortunately I have not personally met one yet.

In summary, I believe that in Islam there are many solutions to a problem. One should be wise in managing them.

In truth is, our men are capable of managing the wives. They goes astray when something happens in the household. 

As wives, they should examine their bad habits too. Some men don't really like to point out but prefer to keep quiet about it fearing a back lash or cold treatment from the wives but reality is - no one is perfect.

As husbands, be prepared to shed some ego a bit. Sometimes, it works wonders.

As how a colleague of mine put it - When my wife starts nagging, i will just agree with whatever she says; i can get back at her later.. 

I believe not everyone will agree with me. But what I have said and shared is what I have heard and knew of. However i truly believe not everyone has the same scenario. 

I hope couples are able to make a lot of give and take situation in marriages. It is not easy because it is a journey of a life time. 


Reason why i came up with this title is because i find that sometimes people can be very very petty when judging a person.

Recently, a clear reason as to why a certain someone is avoiding me became apparent. True, I may be irritating at times - I admit my shortcomings BUT I expect my friends to be honest and tell me what they don't like about me.

Mom advise me when we don't like a person or his character, not to totally hate or avoid him. This is wrong. To put off a silaturrahim is not advisable in fact it is morally wrong in religion.

That is why I will try to tell myself to forgive and move on. To chat with the person sincerely if i believe I have been bad. This I tried alright?

Remember often that on occasion, this same person that I hate or try to avoid might have done something good for me.

I remember an incident that he did help me to return a library book and also purchase a CD on my behalf without asking me for payment even though i insist.

"That", mom says, is enough to tell me that there cannot be any hatred towards that person because, on his side, he had been sincere towards me after all.

There is 2 sides to a story and 2 sides to a game.

You never know when someone will treat you as bad as how you treat that someone else or you will never know when you will be helped by that person whom you treated badly - then you realised how embarrasing the situation can be.

Give in the name of Allah,
Love in the name of Allah,
Forgive in the name of Allah,
Be Gracious in the name of Allah.

Insya Allah - all will turn out well...

Outing with Mom....

It was definitely a mommy's boy outing.

The moment i reach home at about 3 pm, i put down my bag and went in to mom's room. Found her ready to go.

First stop - Ikea Tampines. Even though the place has been opened for about 2 years (i think) mom has never go there before. Hence I thought, it would be a good thing to walk about with and listen to her problems she faced etc. Stress Relief and Relaxing moments for her if you wish to think it that way.

We spend about 2hours there. As we walked and looked, we talked about the things that Dad wishes to buy.

A TV console. We look at all types of TV consoles that is available. We found one that interest us. It is not that expensive, about $698 only and it is a NEW product!

We didn't buy any major items because we believe in discussing with Dad first before buying.

However that didn't stop us from buying other items such as:

1. A Table Runner
2. Two Rugs
3. A Napkin Holder
4. Napkins

Next stop - Courts which is just next door. Dad also intend to get a new TV. Ours is the old one and it has been 10 years. Still good but we wish to update ourselves.

Dad is eyeing the LG or Samsung about 37 ". However yesterday, I was tempted to swipe my credit card for the Sharp 42" which was going for $1499! It was ridiculously cheap. I knew Dad would not mind but I tell myself to think carefully.

He would pay me back of course but for an item going more than 50% off the actual price stirred my curiosity. To top it of, there were only 2 units left and it is inclusive the one on display. I frankly believed it could be a rejected item or belonging to hire purchase clients who could not keep up with paymetns.

It was really a temptation. Mom was tempted too! (I suspect she had bring her ATM card along as well)

In the end I convince her to keep it off our head because:

1. The price is too low
2. There are only 2 units left
3. We do not know if they are rejected or hire purchased before
4. Will it be well guaranteed? (This was not openly informed on the TV unlike the rest of the TV that is on display)
I rather pay for something more valuable and get more benefits out of it.
Christmas decoration are also up and it feels good to walk about knowing that we are having 2 more holidays in December - That is Hajj and Christmas.

After walking around, we had coffee and tuna and cheesecake for tea.

After Courts, we took the free bus service to Tampines Mall. It has been a good 10 years I think since Mom last saw Tampines Mall. She do go Tampines if need be but she never been to Tampines Mall since the last time we came - i think when I was in Primary school...Wait a minute..12 years old and I am 27 now, that makes it 15 YEARS!!!

We went to Swarovski, the boutique that Jesz and I bought her the brooch for her birthday.
We look around but i dont find anything interesting. She liked one of the brooch though. It was a squarish looking but full of colours. After a while, I agree with her that it did look nice and unique.

After the short trip at Tampines Mall, we then proceed to the MRT Station to go to Changi Airport for dinner.

I promised to bring her to the Halal Chinese Restaurant and so we did!

It is at Terminal 2. Nice food. You guys should go there sometime. TSC by Tong Shui Cafe.

The day ended with me buying chocolates from Cocoa Trees and soon we sped home in a cab with our family waiting for us.

Frankly, I enjoyed it very much...

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Today I slept like a pig. As always! 

Jesz went out early for a charity thing while I got to stay home and clean room.

I am going back as soon as he comes back as I will be out to Ikea in the afternoon and dinner with just me and MOM! haha

Wonder where I should bring her for dinner. :) 


I have been busy. I am very sorry!

After the weekend outing with Auntie,cousin,dad & mom, I have been extremely busy at work.

It was a smooth week. I ended my friday with an audit meet and followed by a report that i need to submit to another colleague. My temporary assistant, did not finish some of my stuff due to some slight delay by a vendor.

Oh! I must share with you. I had 3 temps came on Monday.

Let's just say the girl is A and the 2 boys is B and C.

Somehow the moment i gave them a glance, i have a bad feeling that I wont click unlike the 3 ahbengs that came last month - they may be Ah Beng but they did superb and exactly what i wanted!

Anyway to cut the story short- this is what i did and what happen:

1. "A" completed only up to the 2nd day as by the 3rd day I told HR that i dont require her useless service anymore.
2. The Group so called "sabotaged" by sending out 190 envelopes without stamps.
I heard this from my colleague. I remembered checking ALL my envelopes. I am not sure whose envelopes was affected. It could be mine or it could be someone else.

Anyway my assistant is a much much better person than the 3 of them combined. At least she has initiatives, common senses and ability to assess a situation.

I hope HR won't call them again. They are just a pain in the neck.

I applied for leave on Thursday.

Since i was out, i went to ICA, to do my passport followed by a hunt for a book which is only available at 2 selected bookstores - No Hard Feelings; A Reporter's Memoir by Ismail Kassim.

The Malay Community MUST read this book. Given our level of education, our open mindedness, our values, this book compliments our thoughts and our plans for the future. It should not be regarded as controversial at all. It is a great book. Kudos to Ismail Kassim!

Moreover, I finished my Benazir Bhutto and I just got this book and Mom Presented to me the Holy Quran which is written in Arabic of course AND the translation in English! YeAH! its small and compact and i can carry it anywhere!

Love ya Mom/Dad!

Monday, November 03, 2008



Remember I shared with you that I was going for a wedding?

We did go to a wedding. A Wedding lunch.

From office (yes I was in office), took a cab to mom's place and get ready to go. Changed to a short sleeved shirt and jeans and sandals.


After wedding (which was ok i guess), we went to Bugis. Who is We?

Aunt Ramlah
Ayie (Ma Cousin)

There were piccies of course. Will upload later.

Pretty fun to walk around and laugh together. It was interesting day.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Post Raya Lunch

Hi All,

Today we had a post Raya Lunch.

I invited Jati and Yati since both of us are in the office today (Month End).

Since Yang, the new chap is around, Jati extend the invitation to him too.

It was a nice lunch I guess.

Their website would be

We ordered the following:

1. Tahu Telor
2. Sayur Combinasi (mixed vege)
3. Tahu Pecal
4. Ayam Goreng Bumbu
5. Ayam Bali
6. Kambing Gulai
7. Ikan Otah Kukus
8. Rice

We were served keropok and sambal belacan first.

My favourite is the Ayam Bali and the Ikan Otah Kukus... Fabulous...

You all should drop by next time.

