Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's NOT just about Amy Cheong!

Well we heard the saga about her comments on the Malay Muslim Community... Now that the fuss has died down, life returns to normal and we go on happily THINKING that she is punished.


Why not examine?


Sometimes we get upset ABOUT other races comments on us..lets take a FINE example of one incident where it involves OUR own race dissing on our race..(oh nothing to do with those group who "oh sorry i m not ur typical malay or i dont date my own race - please eh..I PUT SAMBAL BELACAN ON A PLATE I AM SURE YOU WILL LICK THE PLATE CLEAN so STOP UR CRAP and enough of the accent..speak proper english please - i actually said this to a teller in a bank who decided to slang with me when i want to close an account OVER my insignificant amount of money in it... :P)

and here the story goes:

and guess what, this is an excerpt from a FACEBOOK status which was Copied and paste WITH permission from the owner:

"Look at this woman with 3 kids. Have to carry the small one and still guide the bigger children to board a bus. Might as well get a car or something"
Her daughter replies " Just typical some people only know giving birth to many kids but cannot afford to buy a car yet waste space taking public transport"
Now, please guess. WHO SAID THIS?

A chinese? A Malay or an INDIAN?


I was so pissed that i just had to blog this off! I even commented that if it was ME who was in her situation - i would give the person the 3s - STARE, SPIT & SHAMED.

Yes i got no qualms about shaming mouth is so laser that i think they rather be nice to me than offend me...

well here is the full status:

A Malay makcik with her daughter who was seated behind me.
"Look at this woman with 3 kids. Have to carry the small one and still guide the bigger children to board a bus. Might as well get a car or something"
Her daughter replies " Just typical some people only know giving birth to many kids but cannot afford to buy a car yet waste space taking public transport"

I looked at both of them and smi
led and said "Assalamualailum Selamat Pagi"then got off the bus. Nope I did not confront them either. I don't waste time on people like this. They don't walk my path or know my struggles so I choose to walk away.

I would rather struggle with my kids to board the public transport than to let my husband or my kids suffer the burden of paying off debts of owning a car. I keep my expectations on life realistic unlike those who are trapped with the life of "Biar papa kedana asalkan bergaya"

The problem with people these days are too caught up with all things material and forget that
"Kita ni semua Bakal Jenazah"

*i mean seriously what is wrong with these people who have the "holier than thou" attitude? Do you know that with my current income i am getting, i can get a car? i am THANKFUL that i dont have a license YET! hahaha i cant imagine the kind of financial commitments i have to make just to own something that cost almost HALF of a 3 room HDB flat yet it depreciates THE MOMENT I DRIVE IT OUT OF THE SHOWROOM!

to the makcik and daughter yang banyak komen...before you shoot off, next time, just remember that You are not in her shoes because: 

a. either you mandul and she your anak angkat so that's why your only daughter takes after you (attitude and all) (Edz's note: I AM STILL THE BIGGEST BITCH) 

b. you think that people with kids must have a mode of private transport and should be banned from public transport - i pity your future son in law - pay so much in dowry for such a useless brainless cow 

c. you think that with more kids means more money earn. Of course lah ini kan di janji Allah (this is what Allah promise) if He decides that you are ordained with 3 kids BUT as parents OF COURSE You have to work and find ways and means to earn enough to sustain the family. not to mention that you must set aside some monies for rainy days. 

so i wish good luck to your daughter. I cant wait for her to slog up the bus with probably 6 kids (twins each time she get pregnant) and i m dissing the same shit to to why the hell is she up in public transport with 6 irritating kids... 

You dont like it right? 

So do i!