Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

The long awaited holidays are here. It seems that this year there are lots of holidays that falls right after a weekend.

The first of all is the CNY which falls onMonday and Tuesday.

I am back at parent's on Sunday and have not had the time to update the blog but however had time to goss goss*

Anyway, today is Tuesday and I willl be going back home to J.E. However, i got a lunch to attend with old schoolmates which i have to get ready for in 30 minutes time! haha

Its been quite a while since i last saw the batch of them.

The feelings however is a mixed of happy/bitter/sweet kind of feeling.

Yesterday while on facebook, received several ads and one of them was Hairi..i knew Hairi since we went to the same Quran recitation classes. It was many years ago. However we became school mates when we went to the same secondary school.

It was interesting to chat with him but of course there were so many thoughts that ran around my mind that I have to focus and focusssssssss totally.

I will post pictures of the meet up and also post on my thoughts of the past in a while when i am back at J.E.

Take care and i have to go get ready now.. hugs...


Goss = Gossip! :)

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