Sunday, November 09, 2008


Reason why i came up with this title is because i find that sometimes people can be very very petty when judging a person.

Recently, a clear reason as to why a certain someone is avoiding me became apparent. True, I may be irritating at times - I admit my shortcomings BUT I expect my friends to be honest and tell me what they don't like about me.

Mom advise me when we don't like a person or his character, not to totally hate or avoid him. This is wrong. To put off a silaturrahim is not advisable in fact it is morally wrong in religion.

That is why I will try to tell myself to forgive and move on. To chat with the person sincerely if i believe I have been bad. This I tried alright?

Remember often that on occasion, this same person that I hate or try to avoid might have done something good for me.

I remember an incident that he did help me to return a library book and also purchase a CD on my behalf without asking me for payment even though i insist.

"That", mom says, is enough to tell me that there cannot be any hatred towards that person because, on his side, he had been sincere towards me after all.

There is 2 sides to a story and 2 sides to a game.

You never know when someone will treat you as bad as how you treat that someone else or you will never know when you will be helped by that person whom you treated badly - then you realised how embarrasing the situation can be.

Give in the name of Allah,
Love in the name of Allah,
Forgive in the name of Allah,
Be Gracious in the name of Allah.

Insya Allah - all will turn out well...

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