Friday, November 14, 2008

HOTA / Smoking



What I told you before? 

Now I am in a dilemma. Since the last change in the Laws, all Singapore Muslims now must Opt Out in order not to be part of the HOTA. 

Now they want to reimburse or compensate those who actually donate their organ.

Initially it is FOC. 

My question would be, will the Malay Muslim Community who are tempted by the compensation (if it is approved can amount to tens of thousand) will start this?

We are part of it because of a ruling fatwa. 

If money changes hands (even though you call it compensation or whatsoever) it is still an act of inducement to me. 

There are many ways to reward a person and monetary is not one of them.

Why not allow a free medical attention or minimal payment for all these people who actually donate their organs for life?

I think this is a better inducement. Money do not last forever. 


I would like to believe that smoking causes lots of diseases.

However, in Singapore, it is a known fact that cigarettes is bringing in revenue for the country. (not much but its true)

However, since a child, we learn to know that cigarettes are made up of harmful toxins and other ingredients, why do people still actually smokes?

I would really hope that there would be a fatwa to ban ALL muslims from smoking.

As cigarettes harms the body and in the long run leads to diseases, it is therefore memudaratkan to a person.

If drinking is haram and if consuming pork is haram for ALL muslims, therefore it is logical to think that cigarettes is haram for it cause a lot of problem for a smoker. 

It also affects the person who happen to be around the smoker too.

Well they did released a Fatwa on donating organ, i think it is about time to ban the haram things as well.

What say you readers? 

If there is something good done for the benefit of every community, there must be something else to be done which will benefit every one too. 

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