Friday, November 14, 2008

I give up!

In life you are given so many choices. I therefore have made up my choice.

After today's incident, I am reluctant to continue with what I am doing. I believe that there is more to life than just all this command and control...

Sometimes, the people above you do not understand the ground work. Sometimes the people at the bottom do not know what the people above is trying to do.

When you thought you are contributing, they will think the worst of you.

When you thought you are sacrificing, they will think you are taking advantage of a situation.

When you thought you are laughing, they think you are being lazy.

When you thought you are quarrelling - they think you got nothing better to do.

If such is the perception - so be it. 

I give up.

There is nothing more to say.

I shall just do what I can do to pass my time away. 

Life is short, i shall not spoilt it just because some people refusedddd to see it in another way. 

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