Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today, we had a family outing. Khai was not with us as he was out for fishing the previous night.

We went to Arab Street and bought like different types of cloth.

1. The sisters - 1 for the elder and 2 for the younger
2. Grandma - 1
3. Aunt - 1

Mom got hers like two weeks before her Umrah Trip.

Total damage including mom's - $1000.00 - this has yet to include tailoring cost.

I was surveying for mine , brother and dad's.

I think our total damage will cost about half.

We intend to get the $25 per meter which means each of us will require 4 meters and that would cost $100.

Tailoring cost is $80 per pax

Total = $180 per pax and multiply by 3 = $540.00

Not including kain samping, capal and songkok.


what is this for?

Hari Raya lah what else...cant be mine wedding right????

hehehe :)

oh well..been a while since i design an outfit anyway..going to make 2 suits i think..

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