Thursday, October 28, 2010

An Excerpt from my facebook notes

Thank you once again to everyone who asked me about the above subject for my personal opinion. I am not sure why you asked but i guess i am obliged to answer. As there is quite a number of emails, i suppose i better answer thru this otherwise it will be very tiring typing out one by one :)
I am not a saint nor i am the devil. We are all humans and we all make mistakes in life. However as we gradually grow older, we tend to choose the path that we eventually want to lead.

The very first time i heard of Halloween was when i was 15 years old. I was greeted by some schoolmates in the day "Happy Halloween". We dont have internet at that time so i checked out the library.

Of course there are many versions of how the event started and I am no expert in historical facts to ascertain it. Therefore the best is dont believe a word of it.

However, from an Islamic stand point of view differs however.
I will try to point out gently why it should not be considered a culture and celebrate it.

In a multi racial society of course we cant avoid this but at least we respect the people who wishes to celebrate. We dont need to tell them NOOOO ITS HARAM or something like that... we can choose to just smile and tell them to enjoy the day as long as we defy it in our hearts.

Reason 1:
It is not an Islamic holiday.
So is chinese new year, or deepavali or christmas - some would say. But i said we dont celebrate by offering prayers to any of the temples or go to churches right?
Halloween do not have any of those but by attending a party and dressing up as ghost and ghouls and whatever not, tell me what are you doing?

Reason 2:
Some say it is permissible as it is just a party and there is no worshipping or whatsoever.
Well, why not dress decently then? must you dress up as some ghost or whatever? Allah SWT created Man in his finest form. It is so fine that the theory that Man evolve from Ape do not even hold. Why? The Quran did not SAY anything about Man being part of the apes!

Reason 3:
Such parties usually are celebrated by non-muslims and most of the time , many clubs hold parties and some individuals do actually have such events going on. We are only human and we get influenced easily if we do attend such party. Getting intoxicated may lead to other things - you never know. As i said we are only humans.

Reason 4:
It is unrealistic that you can attend a night of party on Halloween but rarely have the time to do a Taubat nasuha, tahajjud or tasbih prayer at night.

Reason 5:
Some say individuals are responsible for their actions. Then let me ask, why bother calling yourself part of an Ummah then? We are here to remind each other. If you choose to go ahead it is your call but i hope you do heed my advise as well.

Reason 6:
Encouragement of any form for such a party is not acceptable. Preparing costumes, providing it, doing horrifying make ups on that day - why? There are many other things to do - why choose to glorify it?
I am in no way telling you what to do or what not to do. In our daily life, we should strive towards balancing between what is ok for us and what is not ok for us. Mistakes that has happen in the past should not be allowed to be done again now.

In striving towards the wellness or goodness of our own Ummah, we must further think of the consequences of our actions.

In ending this short note which i am sure will be a debate for some towards by end of day as many of us have various opinion let me share with you a verse which i think simply advise us not to make the same mistake and to follow what is prescribed upon us:

Surah Al Ma'idah Verse 104
"When it is said unto them, 'Come to what Allah has revealed, come to the Messenger,' they say, 'Enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following.' What! Even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance?"

As what my colleague has ever mention to me:
Yang batil tetap batil, and no matter how hard you try to correct it, it is still batil. In this respect, never ask for His blessing when you are doing something that is not prescribed to us by Him.

I hope this answers most of your questions to me. I try not to be too long winded but just put up the important points for you.

Sekian Terima Kasih


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