Thursday, July 08, 2010

Bad Mood

No one really like to have your mood swings. really. it affects how you do your work, your communication with friends and colleagues and you deny everyone a good day.

And yes, i have been in a bad mood for the past few days. I snap easily and was very "fake" with my smiles with almost everyone except certain people - i cant be fake towards my mom right?

Well i believe some of you who read this is going to go ..."Right much for preaching!" Hey i am only human...believe me if you were in my shoes you will explode - sooner or later.

Finally i decided to talk to the boss over it. I m not sure what i achieved out of it. really. nothing. well just count the days i guess. Earn the money, spend it, save it and do nothing.

The one who sat beside me feels the same way. All credit goes to some people while we who toiled the most do not get much. I am so not looking forward when i have to take over my duties. KRAP!

This is the only way i can vent my frustration. It is sad. My prayers is for Him who keeps my heart still. I chose to ignore everyone by my own choice and i want to keep that way.

I m really tired...12 days working non stop...are you blind? after a while we all just go numb..dont be surprised if i m sitting still on my chair one day..doing nothing and all you observe nothing until you see me in that same bloody position the next morning. sad sad life.

I am not whining alright. But perhaps more consideration should be in order. Darn it.

Well seething anger is no good...i decide to stop now... Make me happy somebody?

A picture of mom would be good.

See ya!


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