Saturday, November 08, 2008


I have been busy. I am very sorry!

After the weekend outing with Auntie,cousin,dad & mom, I have been extremely busy at work.

It was a smooth week. I ended my friday with an audit meet and followed by a report that i need to submit to another colleague. My temporary assistant, did not finish some of my stuff due to some slight delay by a vendor.

Oh! I must share with you. I had 3 temps came on Monday.

Let's just say the girl is A and the 2 boys is B and C.

Somehow the moment i gave them a glance, i have a bad feeling that I wont click unlike the 3 ahbengs that came last month - they may be Ah Beng but they did superb and exactly what i wanted!

Anyway to cut the story short- this is what i did and what happen:

1. "A" completed only up to the 2nd day as by the 3rd day I told HR that i dont require her useless service anymore.
2. The Group so called "sabotaged" by sending out 190 envelopes without stamps.
I heard this from my colleague. I remembered checking ALL my envelopes. I am not sure whose envelopes was affected. It could be mine or it could be someone else.

Anyway my assistant is a much much better person than the 3 of them combined. At least she has initiatives, common senses and ability to assess a situation.

I hope HR won't call them again. They are just a pain in the neck.

I applied for leave on Thursday.

Since i was out, i went to ICA, to do my passport followed by a hunt for a book which is only available at 2 selected bookstores - No Hard Feelings; A Reporter's Memoir by Ismail Kassim.

The Malay Community MUST read this book. Given our level of education, our open mindedness, our values, this book compliments our thoughts and our plans for the future. It should not be regarded as controversial at all. It is a great book. Kudos to Ismail Kassim!

Moreover, I finished my Benazir Bhutto and I just got this book and Mom Presented to me the Holy Quran which is written in Arabic of course AND the translation in English! YeAH! its small and compact and i can carry it anywhere!

Love ya Mom/Dad!

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