Reference - The New Paper, 7th November 2009 Page 12.
Finally justice has been served on this family. No doubt i was appalled by this case since it first made headlines.
The abusers:
Maselly Ab Aziz - 39
(Mother of 3)
Elsa Elyana Said - 26
Lesbian Lover to Maselly
Nur Rizan Mohd Sazali - 19
Maselly's Daughter
Muhammad Iz'aan Mohd Sazali - 21
Maselly's Son
What they did:
Attacked a maid - Ms Badingah 31 Indonesian
2 Front Teeth was pulled out
extensive injuries on back, arms, torso and abdoment including healed scald wounds plus large areas of tender infected scalp.
I am not sure what went on in their mind when they hurt the maid to such extent. Frankly, they lived in a miserable rented 3 room flat. What do they have that the maid wants to steal from them? I wonder if they barely can ever afford to pay the maid's salary even not to mention the levy yet.
Maselly's background - twice divorced, had a lesbian lover, have an illegitimate grandchild (her daughter got preggy) and a son who wants to be a woman.
It began when one of them ( i can't recall who but read the report) accused the maid of stealing money. The maid denied flatly.
To my opinion, there are various WAYS of interrogating a thief and a suspect is only a suspect UNTIL proven guilty.
However what they did to the maid is beyond that interrogation. They were obviously of sound mind when they did that.
Nur Rizan force 2 of the maid's front teeth, helped by the lesbian (She force the maid's mouth open) and instigated by Maselly. Rizan also poured wax on her head, That lesbian punched her face and Maselly poured wax on her private parts.
The sissy only caned her legs (guess how sissy he could be?)
I shed countless tears when i first read this. Imagine if we fall flat on the hard cold stone floor and hit our two front teeth (It happen to me before) how pain it could be for us and IMAGINE being extracted out forcefully?
There is no sense of compassion at all. Even our prophet don't do that to people who steal. Yes there are syariah law intending for thiefs to be CHOPPED off their hands IF they steal BUT this is only as the last resort if the person who steals:
1. do not show any regret
2. talk about it
3. cause disharmony among the community
4. has more than 2 witnesses for (males) or 4 witnesses for (female):
To me that law is only intended to keep and remind everyone that stealing is wrong! But the one being punished should not be punished to an extent that can cause him/her unable to feed herself for the rest of her life.
Yes i know the above law usually applies to adultery but if we think logically, it is necessary to invoke those other law that applies to adultery to stealing as well - such as the witness law.
I just hope the family will regret their actions and move on. Do not do that to other humans. This is your share in this world but the punishment from Allah will be given to you when it is judgement day. May Allah have mercy on you.
To the boy - don't be silly and be a are still a man when you die so might as well be responsible for it.
To Maselly - wake up! Guide your kids
To Nur Rizan - keep your legs crossed
To The lesbian - WAKE UP! What the hell you want? Getting pregnant and having a kid while having a relationship with Maselly?
Horrendous..truly horrendous...
oh and here are theirs..and the maid... :)
Maselly - yesterday's report showed her wearing the tudung..whatever for i dont know lah..
That's the daughter and son who wants to be a daughter
The maid without the 2 front teeth
The maid with new front teeth courtesy of a dentist. :)
I cant find a pic of that lesbian lover..but u can check it out at today's new paper.
My final say:
True maids may cause us some problems, vexed and frustration. What we perceive as a basic tool in our life may be new to the maid.
For all you know, they dont even have gas stoves at where they live.
Singaporeans takes a lot of things for granted and I am also guilty of it. But that does not mean we can treat others cheaper than dirt.
For those of you who even think of lifting a finger against your maid, think again yah..dont end up like this family. Punishment on earth may be nothing to you but remember there are other forms of punishment handed out by the Almighty to you be it in this life or hereafter.