Sunday, February 07, 2010


My sister made a remark that my blog is too dead. No one wants to listen on sermons and religion matters. No one will care on my views and no one really bother if the world will exist tomorrow.

She said i should turn my blog into something that people would want to visit and i should make money out of it. 

The very reason i started blogging was because i felt that there should be some place where i am free to say something and hopefully someone can rebutt me and teach me something new. That was my purpose.

To learn and know something so deep that I may not have thought of in the first place.

Having said that and listening to her, i decided to give it a try. Yours Truly aint really born or fed with a silver spoon and I am just hoping that I will die with enough money for the next generation - erm not my direct descendant as I am still single. 

I updated my blog list and i may intend to change my banner and my colour scheme. But then this colour is my favourite ! i cant believe she says its dull.

I removed music for i find it quite irritating to hear music while i read. 

However i intend to talk about politics soon. Something to do with the malay community as well. 

Perhaps I should. It's sort of a wake up call. 

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