Monday, October 13, 2008


I was reading a newspaper article about a few months ago. They were reporting on the ignorance of today's youth on the 4 main religion in Singapore.

One of the comments that i thought was hilarious is that "When there are activities going on under the void deck - that's Islam"

Now, as a Muslim, we have to gently point out the fact that they are wrong. We should never be aggresive to prove our point.

We must be moderate in our views. If we are getting upset with how they think, always remember what they know and what they read is not entirely what we practise.

To all non Muslims who do view my blogs, let me explain to you what is Islam.

Our way of life is Islam, All those who embrace Islam are known as Muslims.
In Singapore, majority are Malay Muslims but we do have Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims, Eurasian Muslims etc.

There are 5 pillars of Islam that we must abide. They are:

1. To have faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad.

It comes in the form of a declaration known as the Shahada "ašhadu 'en-lā ilāha ilāh-lāhu wa 'ašhadu 'anna muħamadan 'abduho wa rasūluh", or "I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is fully submitted[abduho] and messenger of Allah "

2. To Pray 5 times a day.

A Muslim have to pray 5 times a day. They are

1. Subuh - done at dawn
2. Zuhur - done at noon
3. Asar - done at mid afternoon
4. Maghrib - done at sunset
5. Isyak - done at nightfall

3. Zakat

Zakat is almsgiving to the needy. There are 2 types

Zakat Fitrah - which is done during the month of Ramadan
Zakat Harta - done anytime and based on one's wealth.

4. Fast (Puasa)

To fast during the holy month of ramadan

5. Haj

To make the pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime if one can afford it - be it in health/wealth.

I am fairly certain that there are questions that you would like to ask me. Please do. I am willing to give the answers that you asked.

I will stop here now and let you read thru my thoughts for the day.

Perhaps tomorrow I will explain Why.

Take care for now.


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