Thursday, October 30, 2008


Remember last week i went for a dinner with a colleague?

Here is the picture..mine mine..i am so prosperous nowadays.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When The Cat is Away, The Mouse Comes Out To Play!

Well well well...

It is a familiar situation isn't it?

It is happening now, in the office.

Early release.

Come In Late.

Go Back Early.

Longer Lunch.

What can we do.

Shut Up and Mind Our Own Business~

Busy Busy~!

Time flies really fast. When I decide to re-write this blog, it was the first week of October and now it is already end of October.

Festivity mood is over and I look forward to the next holidays - Hajj and Christmas.

I did not really spend much time over the weekend with family as I was out visiting friends and relatives.

Once that was done and over with, I spend my Monday - Deepavali Hols ironing clothes and playing game.

I am currently engrossed with SIMS. I played it almost every evening now.

I really do not like the last week of the month as I have to work late and starts to rush out all last minute preparation before I can actually start doing what I am supposed to do (yes in finance / accounting - this is the way it is)

Oh - i have to work over the weekends for this week and I got a wedding reception to attend as well...sigh~ i wonder how i can manage that - it will work out eventually.

Since we are at the subject of work, recently something happen (there seems to be something that happen almost every other week)

I noticed that there were many areas that I am covering and I just do not have the time to cover all of it or if i do, I believe I am not doing it to the best of my ability.

I hate to leave unfinished tasks hanging over my head because it will haunt me again later.

Truly I am right.
A year ago, there is this client who proposed to my company to follow a certain process.
At that point of time, I was not really keen considering the volume and the follow up action that I have to do.

True enough a year later what I have thought before came true. Of course a year ago, i highlighted it to my in charge but I have to admit that there is a certain advantage to what we will implement for this client BUT there was a set back as well.

True enough the setback came to haunt me especially. Guess who is tasked to clear the mess? Yours Truly.

Frankly, I do not understand why some people just do not have the foresight to think far ahead. Given that our company is way far back in terms of technology where everything is still done almost manually. (yes it is manual if a staff still have to think thru and check if there is any glitches the computer might actually do)

I am not saying I am smart but I just happen to understand how the people around me works and behave. They are very predictable.

As much as i try to cover my ass, it do get burn sometime and I am getting burned at all sorts of places nowadays. Some do try to act smart and behave they know everything. Since we are all told to be independent, I might want to suggest to all of them to start looking through for things on their own in the office. Well the files are there, the system is there and the shared drive is available to anyone to access - what you waiting for? Go bend on your knees and start looking. Dont expect me to spoon feed you every month.

I don't think I am having a good relationship with anyone in the office. I may look happy but I am not really happy. I control my temper with the medication that I am taking otherwise - i would have lash out at anyone or worst - everyone.

I do feel like wanting to give up anytime now but I always tell myself to keep on going considering the dark clouds are gathering now. The future is uncertain. But however, one thing is certain. That I do want to go back to school.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

All Good Things Comes From God and All Evil Things is From Us.

There are certain times we feel that life is unfair to us. We curse and swear at the slightest unfairness that happens to us.

We cursed when
1. We are angry with our colleagues
2. We are quarrelling between husbands and wives
3. We are upset with our siblings
4. We feel that we have been treated unfairly

It takes certain level of understanding and patience to actually accept that whatever happens to us is a result of our actions for in Al Quran there is a verse from Surah An Nisaa

أَيْنَمَا تَكُونُواْ يُدْرِككُّمُ الْمَوْتُ وَلَوْ كُنتُمْ فِي بُرُوجٍ مُّشَيَّدَةٍ وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ حَسَنَةٌ يَقُولُواْ هَـذِهِ مِنْ عِندِ اللّهِ وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ يَقُولُواْ هَـذِهِ مِنْ عِندِكَ قُلْ كُلًّ مِّنْ عِندِ اللّهِ فَمَا لِهَـؤُلاء الْقَوْمِ لاَ يَكَادُونَ يَفْقَهُونَ حَدِيثًا

مَّا أَصَابَكَ مِنْ حَسَنَةٍ فَمِنَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَصَابَكَ مِن سَيِّئَةٍ فَمِن نَّفْسِكَ وَأَرْسَلْنَاكَ لِلنَّاسِ رَسُولاً وَكَفَى بِاللّهِ شَهِيدًا

Which means:

Wherever you may be, death will overtake you - even though you be in towers raised high. "Yet, when a good thing happens to them, some [people] say, "This is from God," whereas when evil befalls them, they say, "This is from thee [O fellow­man]!”
Say: "All is from God." What, then, is amiss with these people that they are in no wise near to grasping the truth of what they are told?
AND WE have sent thee [O Muhammad] as an apostle unto all mankind: and none can bear witness [thereto] as God does. Whatever good happens to thee is from God; and whatever evil befalls thee is from thyself.

Surah An Nisaa 4:78-79. Taken from

The verse clearly explains that All Good is from God and Evil is from Us.

Therefore, mom always tells me but usually i m the one who do not listen, that

1. Always be careful of what I say to others
2. Try to seek guidance from Allah if there is a need to decide on something
3. Pray often; for prayers is the fundamentals to keep us out of mischief.
4. Never blame God when our doa is not fulfilled; perhaps Allah has something better in store for us.
5. Always think of the good things that will come out of a certain situation; only then will it bear fruit.

Truly, it is not easy to have a good heart. Being young, egoistic (yes i am and how many of you can admit that? I dare to admit it ok!) and forever wanting to be at the forefront, I do feel envious when i see some of my friends who are far ahead than me.

BUT I always try to put myself in perspective. I always say that I am the first born and my parents will expect more from me.

As 2 of my siblings are still in school, they do need my contribution to the family not to mention that my grandma and aunt is now living with us.

They are never a burden in fact they should be considered as a Rahmat as Allah has instructed us to care for the elderly when they get old, never to raise our voice at them and to speak nicely to them.

Based on my own experience, however it is not easy to care for an elderly. My grandma is very much full of love and emotions. She watches everyone with glistening eyes. Each time anyone of us leaves the house, she insist that she must see the person off at the door despite her small steps that she took to reach the door.

Never has anyone of us burst at her antics. We respect and loved her too much to ignore her. As someone who helped my mom to bring me up, the values that she teaches me through her stories and life experiences taught me one thing - we must always be humble regardless the nature of the receiving party.

To give is better than to receive after all.

Hence it is with this guidance, that I gave freely to anyone who ask regardless of their nature. I may not have enough but i do have some to give away.

Financially, our family is alright i guess. We got no debts except for the forever housing loans to pay and dad and myself contribute most of the household expenses.

As a son-in-law, my dad has no qualms about grandma staying with us. However he seems agitated lately.

After talking to him, I realised that he is worried that what he might not have enough. I understand how he feels. We have to note that out of all my uncles and aunties only 1 or 2 contribute to the living expenses of grandma and aunt.

I am not venting this out of anger but i personally believe that the responsibility of an elderly parents falls to every single one of the children and not to be push aside to just 1 or 2 children.

I have this believe that since it is a responsibility entrusted by God to us, we must note that caring for an elderly will bring us great rewards be it now or after we have passed on.

My grandma has 11 children. Out of 11, 1 is disabled, my aunt who is with us now. Out of 10, 4 are men, 6 are women.

Out of the 6 women, if i were to access each individual financially income, i think only my mom and another aunt has good stable income. The rest are struggling.

Out of 4 men, 1 is jobless while 1 has 2 kids and struggling but he did contribute to the monthly medical expenses and he do ferry my grandma anywhere she wants to go as he drove a cab. The other one, gives my grandma a monthly allowance - i think about $100.00 or slightly more than that. While another one with 1 kid and a wife seems a bit far off to contribut emuch. Unless of course, my grandma tells me another story - the above is what grandma has told me before.

Someone in the family give the opinion that old people don't each much. I challenged them to care for the 2 of them. They were skinny when they came to my place now they gain weight and eat well.

Grandma eats 3 full meals a day. 

Another thing that I would like to share is this.

It has been a long time my family ever went out since grandma stays with us. Occasionally my parents and us do want some time to be together. It is difficult for us and we don't want to bring grandma along with us because we will need 2 cabs to go out and we are not sure if grandma eats the food that we fancy or would like to be at - such as delifrance or hyatt or swensens.

None of my aunts and uncles will call my mom to ask if she needs help for the month. I think it is important to ask because my mom is taking care of their mother. A certain sense of muhibbah must be displayed out of courtesy. As long as the mother is alive, all children must share the responsibility.

These life experiences that is right in front of us teaches me on the term responsibility.

Responsibility to an elderly is a wajib. It has to be done.

For readers, I just would like to advise that care freely for an elderly, give freely to them. In turn, Allah will reward you.

But it does not come easy. You have to have patience and faith. Insya Allah all will turn out well.


It has been 5 days since i last update the blog. Reason being, I am too busy and too occupied with my endless work.

We start with Wednesday.

It was work as usual for me but after work, Yati and I had to attend a dinner at Singapore Expo Hall 1. The Yellow Ribbon Project Appreciation Dinner.

As our company had made some donations to the project, we were allocated to 2 seats. Funny that the upper management did not want to go and had passed to us to go. I was seated among directors, general managers and what ever else is there. Yati and I chose to ignore them and enjoy ourselves.

Not much happening over Thursday and Friday except the fact that I started to issue cheques to pay for my bills. That's a first and I am wondering if it will pull through. I should have issued 1 first and see if my signature is valid.

However, i was looking forward to the weekend as it is a long weekend for me. Deepavali falls on Monday!

Saturday - went to Tity's, Suzy's and Yati's home. It was quite a schedule. Furthermore a member of our party had misled me to think that it would be just "us" kind of group so end up, i went out with 2 mak dara..hahahaaa

Rinah and Ros has graciously accompanied me to Suzy's and Yati's place.

There are pictures of course but as usual, i forgot to bring the USB along with me. (i am updating the blog from mom's home)

However, if you wish to see my picture i believe it would be available at Rinah's facebook profile. She has graciously tagged the pic to me. But then again, i dont think you all are missing out on anything.

I am still the same person except i have gained weight (AGAIN!)

Till then, I will update you all again as I have breakfast to devour now (Yes it Mcdonald's delivery) and i got a few houses to go again later. :)



Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Pictures taken from the weekend. 

I cook?

Apologies for not updating the blog. I was simply too tired yesterday.

What happened was, I had to cook for my colleagues. The menu was udang goreng kari, omelette and potato-carrot soup.

It was nothing spectacular but it made me, Hui Lee and Yati full. Jati was fasting hence didn't join us.

I am learning how to cook other dishes. A bit of this and that - all this is in preparation if one day, i have to cook on my own - u never know. Now my mom is my teacher.

I am not sure how i fared but i truly believe it was Ok. The udang kari is just a simple dish and the soup was something that i learnt from Yati and improvise a bit on the taste.

Well all in all, it was not too bad. There were some leftovers which i brought home to eat.

Thank you Yati for helping to cook the rice.

Thank you for letting me to cook for you and Hui Lee! :)

Next time we can have more when Rin is back and I hope to think of some new dishes to try.. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Jalan Raya and Outing

The last post that i write in was done in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Please note that the activities mentioned is for Saturday.

Today is another long day for me.

After jalan raya, went Orchard road with mom and dad. It was good to walk together just the 3 of us.

Dad was hungry and was asking me for malay food. We were then at Takashimaya. Where the hell you find malay food at Taka?

I was at the basement and i look up and saw Delifrance. Hence I asked mom and dad if they are keen to go Delifrance. Mom is game for it while dad looked nervous. (my dad is veryyy uncomfortable in restaurants)

Mom ordered a baked rice chicken with lots of cheese and a lil curry while dad ordered a teriyaki Chicken sandwich.

Also included was a glass of iced lemon tea for mom, a capuccino for dad and a cafe mocha for me.

I didnt order anything as I am still full.

I thought I would be footing the bill - but dad stopped me and said he will pay. (THANK YOU DADDY!)

After that as we walked slowly to the Orchard MRT Station, I made mom and dad to walk around the level 1 of Taka and we went to those boutiques that mom seldom wants to go in.

For the first time, she finally went to Coach boutique to take a look at the handbags. I can tell she likes it very much.

I tell myself to work harder for my family. I hope there are better things to look forward to - Insya Allah.

With Mom's constant prayer and dad's constant support I believe i can do it.

Till Then.

Look out for the piccies tomorrow night :)

Old School Mate

When I woke up today, I feel very excited.

Why? Today I would be meeting an old school mate whom I have never met for the past 11 years.

Her name is Ms Siti Fadilah. Married and has 4 cute active kids! 

Prior to her visit, I was out to Juzzie's place. Another old pal whom i have known for the past 10 years or so. 

Piccies I have but you got to wait a while till Tuesday before I can show it to you. 

Juzzie's place was fun to be in. Apart from the gorgeous deco, there were plenty of food to fill the tummy.

There were many visitors and majority are PLUs. Nothing strange to me. I also learnt that he still has a younger sister who is still at school. 

Went with Idil but i left before he do because I have to go to another open house.

But as i left Juzzie's place, I feel so tired and hailed the cab and decide to go home - considering that the sky looks dark and i don't like to travel in the rain.

As i reached home, i chat online,update my face book and that's about it.

Following that, I went out to get something for Fadilah and family as she told me she would be coming at night.

Received messages from her that she would be going to Adawiyah's wedding - another ex school mate.

She went to Haleena's place which is at Marsiling before coming to my place.

She arrived about close to 10pm and we had a good chat till about 11.

She is no longer the shy Fadilah. More talkative now, and very very different.

I guess each one of us change as days passed by.

Tomorrow would be another busy day for me...Till then,


Friday, October 17, 2008

Slow Friday

Finally the weekend is here again.

I woke up early, went for breakfast and then to work. Guess what I had? Half Boiled Eggs and 2 slices of Roti Kaya.

Reach office, start to go thru the pile of rubbish on my table.
After work, i went home, showered and went out for dinner with someone.

Paid for dinner with my HSBC card - the first transaction for the card.. :) and then went to Apple to take a look at the ear piece and end up getting the ipod shuffle - why?

Ipod Shuffle $78.00 and with 10% discount. I wanted the ear piece which was priced at $55.00.

Now if you were me, which one would you buy? I think i made the right choice didnt i?

I went to get chocolates for the upcoming open houses that I will be attending over the weekend. Fadilah - an old school mate from secondary school and sms me to inform me that she will be coming to my place for hari raya as well ( i havent seen that girl for the past 10 years)

Now a mother of four! hahaha...I wonder what will she be like. Must hold back my tongue a lot!

She was one of the smartest and brightest student when we were in the same class. She was humble unlike one of them who thinks to highly of herself...haha..i dont give a damn anyway..i dont even acknowledge any of them. :)

Oh well..its going to be a busy weekend for me. I better rest well now and I hope to update the blog with more piccies.

Till then see ya.


Tiring Thursday...

Hi Guys,

I apologise as I was too tired to blog on Thursday night. Reason being i slept only for about 4 hours on Wednesday night.

By the time i reach home and done with dinner, I felt tired and sleepy.

Shared a cab with a colleague who wanted to go to the nearest MRT - end up i dropped her at Clementi while i went on my way home for dinner.

Slept at 10 pm. VERY EARLY. usually my bed time is about 11 or so.

Before I slept though i manage to call HSBC to verify on my card that I just received and also the cheque book

Guess what - i forgot how my signature looks like. I have this bad habit of not keeping to 1 signature.

Yes, i got the HSBC Gold Card and Citibank has been calling me to sign up as well (for the past 2 months) but HSBC came first since they send the courier to get me to sign the form.

Nice card i guess but i prefer their classic and i find the gold card a bit too old for me..i m 27 not 72; Credit limit is sufficient for my needs i hope *Evil Smile*

Till then...


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Life Has To Go On

I am sorry i updated this so late - it is the wee hours of Thursday morning that I started to blog.

Being reason that I reached my parent's place today and was busy entertaining my grandmother and my parents.

It has been a very disturbing day but I guess I have to push a lot out of my mind as I have much more important things to do then to ponder about my mistakes - if any.

Sometimes you never know when you hurt others. Some people take it as " so be it" kind of attitude, some nurse the grudge and pain and await for the next moment to strike. In life you meet all sorts of people. Whom you believe to be good, sometimes is otherwise.

Life has to go on. Whatever the reasons, i accept. Whatever the answer i accept. Even if it is my mistake, i accept and i apologise and i move on. Never again will i intrude in their life again.

It so happen that recently i received an sms from an old pal whom is getting married soon and is intending to invite me for the wedding. The person who invited me, i never heard from this person for the past 3 or 5 years.

Naturally, I am very surprised that i am being invited. Considering all the things that was done, said, accused or whatever, I am still remembered as a friend.

As for me, I have long abandon the notion of friendship. It gets lonesome i guess but i have to move on - as we get older, we meet new people who appeal to us more than some old friends. Some friends you can grow old with, some you just have to let go.

I cant accuse ALL my friends to be bad of course. There are good friends, best friends and close friends.

I love all of them - but sometimes I think I am a bit too much i guess.. :)

One thing I learn, always willing to admit your mistakes. This is where your sincerity lies. If you know you have been bad. Admit it. At least they know that you realise your mistakes.

It has been a very quiet day for me. After dinner, I got ready, pack my bag and went home.

Intention is - to get some things up. there have been a few mails for me so i guess i have to check what it is all about.

I am so looking forward to the weekend. I got so many invitations - yes u guess it from my friends :)

I love you guys..whoever you are..


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pillars of Islam - a continuation

Continuing from my last post on Islam, I would like to explain further on our Pillars.

The first - reciting the Shahada
My first encounter with the Shahada when mom taught me this when I was 7 years old. As a muslim, we must acknowledge that Allah is the only God that we worship and that Muhammad is His Messenger.

It is also being said in our prayers and for those who are on the verge of death are encouraged to recite this before their very last breath.

A non-muslim who intends to be a Muslim, will recite this verse and he must recite it with full understanding and sincerity will then be acknowledge as Muslims.

It is a simple verse yet it means so much.

Till then, I will continue with the next pillar tomorrow.

Thank you.


Open House Open House

It has been 14 days since 1st of Syawal. However we are still celebrating Hari Raya. House visits are still happening and the invitation for open house is still being extended.

As for myself, I have 2 open house this weekend. One on Saturday while the other on Sunday.

Apart from that, I will rot at home unless there is more invitations being extended within the next few days.

It has been an uneventful day. Life goes on for me. Work is still a priority. The difference is I seems to be playing "Aunt Agony" today.

For some reasons, colleagues are coming up to me, sharing with me their problems; work or family, i listen to all.

Sometimes i do want to be heard too. Life is such. We need to relieve our problems somewhere.

Mom always tells me that some people do not like to know our problem. In some aspect, she might be right but as we are humans, we have to "let go" somehow.

She advises us (her children) to constantly keep to our prayers, read the Al Quran more, find out the meaning and dua as and when we could.

Only with such constant discipline, will then the path is clear for us to walk and it is never clouded with fear or uncertainties.

This is the reward for those who choose to follow the right path.

Enough nagging for now, we chat again tomorrow...

Monday, October 13, 2008


I was reading a newspaper article about a few months ago. They were reporting on the ignorance of today's youth on the 4 main religion in Singapore.

One of the comments that i thought was hilarious is that "When there are activities going on under the void deck - that's Islam"

Now, as a Muslim, we have to gently point out the fact that they are wrong. We should never be aggresive to prove our point.

We must be moderate in our views. If we are getting upset with how they think, always remember what they know and what they read is not entirely what we practise.

To all non Muslims who do view my blogs, let me explain to you what is Islam.

Our way of life is Islam, All those who embrace Islam are known as Muslims.
In Singapore, majority are Malay Muslims but we do have Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims, Eurasian Muslims etc.

There are 5 pillars of Islam that we must abide. They are:

1. To have faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad.

It comes in the form of a declaration known as the Shahada "ašhadu 'en-lā ilāha ilāh-lāhu wa 'ašhadu 'anna muħamadan 'abduho wa rasūluh", or "I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is fully submitted[abduho] and messenger of Allah "

2. To Pray 5 times a day.

A Muslim have to pray 5 times a day. They are

1. Subuh - done at dawn
2. Zuhur - done at noon
3. Asar - done at mid afternoon
4. Maghrib - done at sunset
5. Isyak - done at nightfall

3. Zakat

Zakat is almsgiving to the needy. There are 2 types

Zakat Fitrah - which is done during the month of Ramadan
Zakat Harta - done anytime and based on one's wealth.

4. Fast (Puasa)

To fast during the holy month of ramadan

5. Haj

To make the pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime if one can afford it - be it in health/wealth.

I am fairly certain that there are questions that you would like to ask me. Please do. I am willing to give the answers that you asked.

I will stop here now and let you read thru my thoughts for the day.

Perhaps tomorrow I will explain Why.

Take care for now.


Monday - The Boring Day?

I will refrain as much as I can from using the word Monday Blues.

No doubt all of us feels the same IF we choose to feel that way. I chose to feel positive about it - knowing full well how bad the day can really be.

As usual, I can actually wake up without any help from the alarm clock. It feels as if that there is a "clock" in me to actually "tells" me when to wake up. 

Knowing as to how all morning should start and how it would be, there is no point going thru what I actually did. 

I left the home without my work pass and I actually remembered it while waiting for the lift.

After getting it and was well onto my way, I keep thinking of how my day would be.

Once I reached, my colleague is already there. (darn i thought i would be the first to arrive) 
I went to my desk, ruffle thru the messy table and sigh. It would take sometime to clear this.

A thought came to my mind, mom's word's " Cekal dan Tawakkal" and I remembered reading a quote from the Al Quran came to me 

Allahu waliyyu allatheenaamanoo yukhrijuhum mina alththulumati ilaalnnoori waallatheena kafaroo awliyaohumu alttaghootu yukhrijoonahum mina alnnoori ilaalththulumati olaika ashabu alnnari hum feeha khalidoona

"Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever)"

(Al Baqarah : 257)
The important sentence to me in this is "Allah is the Protector of those who have faith"

No matter how bad you are, you must have your faith with you. Always remember that Allah provides and guides everyone. 

Truly, such a simple sentence brought tears to my eyes. I  breath deeply and gladly i put all my troubles in my heart to Allah. 

You never knew how such a simple act of "surrender" had change my day. I feel so much in peace even though i know that the things i do can never end. 

I feel so good and I can still laugh together with Adeline - Alhamdulillah! 

Probably Adeline is the angel here. She is such a simple girl (no worries be happy attitude that seems to be contagious).

I am glad and I am contend. 

By the time i left office at 7 pm, all the tedious tasks seems to be done. 



I was not in the mood to blog on Sunday. It was simply a rest day for me.

Morning - went out for breakfast and got some fruits. After that, clean my room once I reached home. 

Spend the day cleaning and lunch at 3 pm or so! haha...that was the first time i ate lunch that late.

Continued with tv then ironing. Suprisingly i didn't eat dinner but just bread with  cheese and some fruits with a glass of milk. 

Watch TV till about 1 am before i fall asleep.

Boring weekend isn't it? Well I hope it would be better next week.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ayam Penyet

The day began with a wonderful breakfast of Nasi Lemak. I was a  bit shocked as i saw my boss car parked in the carpark. 

A quick sms confirmed it. However didn't see him at the area. 

After breakfast, it was back to home to bring in the laundry and fold the clothes. 

At 2.30 pm, i took a shower before going out to town. Walk around and end up eating Ayam Penyet for lunch.

Went down to Muji, enjoy a catwalk show followed by dinner. 

I think this is the only day that i ever ate Nasi Ayam Penyet twice, once for lunch while the other for dinner. 

*for those of you who does not know what is ayam penyet, i suggest you google it.

Reach home about 8 pm. Prepared the dinner (the ayam penyet which i bought) followed by shower.

Had a new back brush for me to use to brush my back. Courtesy of someone :) hehe Thank you! 

Someone's bday coming soon - what should i get for this someone?  

My quest for a bday gift will start next week - it will remain a surprise for you. :) don't ask what is it.. just make yourself available on that day itself :) hugs hugs hugs.

There is nthing much happening today and hence the boring entry. I m thinking of a title to talk about tomorrow evening. Had it in my mind today but wonders if i should proceed to talk about it.

Oh well... till tomorrow then we shall know.



Friday, October 10, 2008


Thank God Its Friday - That's the common phrase i hear everywhere today. It seems to be a weekly occurence though.

Monday Blues -> is another common one that you hear of when everyone reports to work after a 2 days off.

Frankly, to me there is no difference. I still have to work, earn my daily wage, feed my family, live my life and day by day it is the same thing over and over again.

I wake up early today and went to work earlier. Reach work about 8.10am and saw the boss drove in.

I start work at 8.30 am but due to the amount of work that I have unfinished, I have to start early. My plan was squashed when my boss asked me of an email that he send to me the day before on some clients that regional wanted.

Seriously, I was not looking forward to doing it. It simply means setting aside the work that I am doing to start doing the thing that region wanted.

It is so irritating. Initially i did about a YTD revenue report for that 10 clients. I was later informed that it has to be for a year prior to that YTD which means a full FY for 0708 followed by 0809 YTD. I was certainly pissed.

However I grit my teeth and start doing it. I was informed too on how to get about the data on a requirement for another business unit, thank God I need not click on file per file in order to obtain it.

So there i was sitting on my chair staring at the screen with Adeline giggling beside me. I have tasked her to email workorders which she has been faithfully doing - I like that girl, so cheerful. so positive.

I think without her around i would be insane or lost my temper easily.

At about afternoon, someone came over to me and told me not to spend too much time on it. Yeah right, i am about halfway done and waiting for another portion of it to include in my calculations and you can tell me not to waste too much time? Who is kidding who? I am not supposed to do it as it was not addressed to me in the first place.

As someone mentioned to me the term is SFD - Shit Flows Down.

Looks like it is going to be a monthly thing and obviously we all knows who will have the privilege of doing it.

Yours Truly of course.
And yes, you guess it, the work pile that was left to be completed by Friday, remains untouched by end of Friday.

really..sometimes these things upset me greatly. so much that i abandon my plan of staying on till 7 pm. I need space. i left.

Reach home, showered and went Vivo for dinner.

Walk around, check things out - got 2 pillows and 2 tatami cushions.

I guess that counts for relaxation. The weekend is here - plans to go Muji at Marina and probably visit Avril's grandma.

If all goes well, I should be freshened up by Monday (no blues i hope) and tired out by next Friday.

Till then - Enjoy your weekend guys...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

More Piccies & food review - Taken at dinner by someone

I seriously do not recommend some of the food at Secret Recipe. My pal ate the lamb shank and i can actually smell the mutton smell. It's kind of gross. I definitely like the lamb shank at Delifrance - Rin had it before and it was simply delicious and yes no SMELL!

The chicken cordon bleu was ok i guess. 

Had 2 glasses of drink - the green apple kasturi followed by the frosty lemon tea. 

However i love the banana chocolate cake. It has slices of banana in it while coated with chocolate. 

Does anyone knows of a good lamb shank? Halal of course. 

Let me know yah? 

That's it for today.

Take care and hugs. 

Senuman 2008

The title above may sound strange and there is not even a direct translation for it. If any of you knows the word in English after reading what it is about do tell me about it.

Senuman is a group activity and it involves money. Basically we are borrowing money from each other.

It is a good way to do compulsory savings and the basic principle of it are:

1. Trust
2. Money

This time round, Yati is leading it. A total of 11 persons are playing and a total amount of $1200.00 will be given each month.

Each players will have to contribute $100.00 while Jati contributes $200.00.

Mom and I chose to play this time round as it helps us to save a bit of money. 

Our payout will be in Dec 08 for me and mom is July 09.

I think i can use some of that money for the driving practical lessons that I have to pay. 

I hope all will go well as the last round, someone didn't pay up and he owes 5 players $500.00. ($100 per month for 5 months straight) 

That's about it for now, All that goes well will ends well. 

Birthday - events for the day

Good Evening,

As i typed this,  it just occurred to me that the last 2 post was dated 7th October 2008. 

My birthday is actually today - 8th October 2008 and the last 2 post was actually posted at 5 am today. 

I am  not sure what caused that error though - as the time zone settings is correct. 

Anyway, after i posted the last 2 entries, i went back to sleep and woke up at 7.30! Late!!!!
By the time i finished showering and all those morning stuff, it was already 8 am. 
I quickly grab my clothes to wear, sprayed the F by Ferragamo followed by the hair spray.

Looks good, feel good - it is my birthday after all. 

Quickly went down and took the cab to work - managed to reach by 8.40 am. 

Walked in and was introduced to the new colleague, Y
ang as he is called. A china born guy but pretty smart. Understand from my boss he is a master degree holder. I feel that he should not even be with us but to go somewhere else and work. 

Received my first birthday sms for the day and all the subsequent ones -

Joey - KL 
Aunt Fatima - Singapore
Jesz - Singapore
Isaac called - Singapore
Idil - Singapore
David - Singapore
Family - Singapore
Aunt Ramlah - Singapore

There were countless calls, handshakes that I received. Not inclusive the msn messages, the emails that i received.

To all of my friends, thank you for the well wishes! I love you guys. 

I left office at 12.30 and walked around town. Had a simple Nasi Ayam Penyet for lunch before i chose to head back home.

Dinner was simple. For the first time, i had my way and went to Secret Recipe as shown on the photos above. 

Someone bought this book for me. I didn't get my Gucci but I don't mind a book. I saw it at Times Book Store earlier in the day and was contemplating of getting it but i chose to forego it.
Told it to that someone and he bought it for nice... :) 

Perhaps the next one i would like to get is the book on Barrack Obama. 

That's about it for now. 

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Turning 27..

Time flies really fast.
A week after Hari Raya and after my sister's birthday.

It has been an interesting year from my last year's B-day to this year's B-day.

I believed is about time that I move forward in life and make some minor or major adjustments:

1. To get my driving license.
2. To earn more money
3. To truly understand and complete the tafsir

That is what I aim to be.

For the past year, I believed that I have been

1. very angry
2. very sensitive

Perhaps i am too emotionally attached to my work and very defensive towards my work. My boss has been telling me to let go as at the end of the day a job should not destroy a relationship between colleagues and not to let it affect family time.

Easier said that done but nowadays i just try to do my best and learn to let go what I can never complete on time.

This is not about me being inefficient but there is a lack of manpower in my department and our customer base is increasing each day.

I am glad i am not alone facing this as it is a shared sentiments among all my colleagues.

I just hope that changes would arrive soon.

27th Birthday


Free Clipart Picture of a Birthday Cake with Candles. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart

picture taken from:

Other Blogs Listed On My Site

Dear All,

Each and everyone of us is different. We have different personalities, different styles and preferences. 

We should keep an open mind and not to be very assuming or too vocal in our opinions. We should respect and learn to accept or the best is keep our opinions to ourselves if we do not have anything nice to say about others.

There are some blogs listed on my site and each one of them is unique in their own way. We just have to learn to accept them.

Till then. 



I am still in the mood for festivities and really has no mood for work.

As usual, the month end closing for September 2008 has just been completed and i am slowly struggling to do the invoices.

A colleague is away on a four month maternity leave (i assumed its four since Lee Hsien Loong's announcement) and I was asked (sorry its told) to take over all her duties. She left in the first week of September. Her replacement only came in on the last week of September.

Can you believed that I was working on Hari Raya morning as well? I was with another colleague in the office at 5.30 am!

After that I went back to Jesz place to get ready, bought a cake (as it was my sis's birthday as well).

Jesz kindly offered to sponsor the cake! (thank you!)

I stayed at home till Sunday before returning on Monday.

Overall for Hari Raya, I had 2 suits to wear this year.

A full white baju melayu and a batik shirt.

Pictures will be up on the blog soon.

I am back, Wishing All Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin

Dear Readers,

I sincerely apologise for blocking almost everyone from accessing the blog.

It has been a good four months now and I decide to make a come back.

Unfortunately, I have to remove ALL my previous blogs as I want to start afresh.

In conjunction with the festive mood, I would like to wish all of you

Salam Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Keep following up for more updates!