Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Today, I am going to write on a friend who is now considered a sibling.  We address her as Angah.  There's 5 of us - we have  Along, Angah, Alang, Achik (me) Usu (youngest). Angah is a daughter, a wife, a daughter in law, a mother of 3, a friend and a colleague.

This is my personal observation of Angah. Our first encounter was when we were joined ITE Cemta - Music, Drama & Dance group. During the entire period that we were involved in the rehearsals, I observed that she commanded a high amount of respect from everyone around her. Her sense of logic, leadership and righteousness is part of her. Fast forward a decade later, these qualities did not diminished. In fact it was more dominant. It was displayed in her daily life and of course passed on her to children.

And today, I was further impressed by the note that she wrote for her son. Her only son. Please check out screen shot of the note at the end of this blog. What she wrote encompass the demands of Allah SWT, the ways and behaviour of a man that's fitting to society.

First and foremost, a Muslim have to acknowledge that he has to believe in Allah SWT and Muhammad is His Messenger. A man is the head of the household, the Imam during a prayer.

Angah never fails to drill this into her son. As the only son, his duty is far much more complex than his elder sister or his younger sister. He is the 2nd in Command after Angah's husband, the main key to Faraid and the Wali to the 2 sisters.

In order to fulfil those duties,he has to fulfil his duties to Allah SWT the Sovereign - to whom we owe our life. His duty as a son, a brother and a grandchild at this age is simple - learn all that you can learn in life. Angah and husband did their part - secular education, religious education, family bonding etc. These actions now is for his benefit. It sets a routine to him and it prepares for this boy, his ultimate 3 roles later on - a husband, a father and eventually a grandfather.

If Angah did not insist on teaching things the right way for him now, it will probably cause a mistake later on his life. Obviously Angah and Husband has thought of how things should be done and how their kids should be raised. To this I recall the following verses:

Quran Chapter 40 Verse 60
"And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible"

I would like to add that try to remember this verse and teach them to your kids too:

Quran 46 Verse 15
"and We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty (30) months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: "My Lord! Grand me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my off-spring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will)"

The same verse is also mentioned in Chapter 31 Verse 14.
In 1 single note she manage to write on the following:
1. A parent's love and responsibility to him
2. His responsibility and duties to Allah SWT and his family.
3. His expected role in future when he has his own family.
4. His work ethics
5. His spending habits
6. His continuous life journey - life's a lesson.

In a bid to ensure their kids gets the best, some parents focus more on other aspect - maybe more secular than religion.

Angah is right when she said Allah SWT first and family second followed by the rest of things in life. Set your priorities right.

Religion keeps moral character in check, while family shapes responsibility and value. The combine actions of these will help the child to be an upright highly moral individual and Insya Allah a value to society, Amin.

Here's a snapshot of what Angah wrote:

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