Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Salam Ramadan - Day 1

Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT has given me the opportunity to meet the month of Ramadan again. For your information, yesterday as i was sleeping and saying the niat, thoughts of my soul being ripped out of my body crossed my mind. I thank Him for extending my life for another day.

This year, i am going to share little stories that may help to increase one's faith in our religion. true stories, everyday life stories that happens to me.

Here is one now:

I believe this took place a few years ago. Not during the month of ramadan. Perhaps in 2005 or 2006.
I could have been barely a year into my new job(the current one) and happened that payday was around the corner. I dont earn much at that time and i think i overspent on one of the month.

I tried not to think about it but i was really hungry. It was a Friday as i had to fulfil my obligation as a Muslim and perform the Jumaat prayers.

After Solat, as usual, i walked out. Tears was already welling up in my eyes and i really feel hungry. I was totally broke - even my bank has $0.00 at that time.

However being the sinful me, i never dare to wish for something from Him coz at that point of time, i dont believe in asking if you are not one of the faithful. But He has other plans for me. As i was controlling my tears, and walked out thru the gates, a makcik call out to me and look at me full in the face.

" ada nasi beriyani sebungkus...ada orang derma - 30 blum ada orang punya..rezeki anak lah..makan ye.."

(Translation: " is a pack of beriyani..someone donated - 30 one has taken this..please eat it...)

I was stunned! She could see the shock in me. Allah SWT is kind to me. I was grateful. While controlling my tears i took the pack of rice and quickly walk away with my head bowed - not to let anyone see the tears that fall freely on my face. I feel so humbled, so blessed so syukur. You have no idea how i felt.

As i ate it, i kept thinking about the whole matter. Nevertheless i thank Him for providing for me in my hour of need.

Even till today, as i wrote this out on my blog, tears still fall freely especially when i recalled how the makcik say it to me. It was like pleading and telling you and asking you that He is providing for you.

No one is made poorer by caring for the poor and i plead with you, sedekah what you can in order the poor is well look after. I pray that He grant all of us health wealth and happiness always. Amin.

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