Friday, July 16, 2010

Today i am on leave. I took leave to clean my place up. Wash the clothes, wash the cushion covers, towels, floor mat.

Why? Because tomorrow i have to meet Encik Nazmi Dalhar ye...he is coming to Singapore. I will spent a day with him.

It was to be today but change to tomorrow.

Looks like i will spent a day with him and a day with family (sunday).

It rained the whole day today. The only dried clothes are the socks and underwears. I hope everything else would dry by tomorrow morning so i can iron clothes as well.

In midst of the busy chores I checked my emails from office on and off.

Oh..did you see my 3 twits? one after another? hmmmm it is associated to office anyway.

I m not sure what is happening and why must it happen. 

If you talk about give and take...i m not sure if i have given in too much or at least I feel that way.

but one thing that brought about the change was when help was needed...really do we need to ask for an opinion or would you just help your friend? 

So enough is enough. at least i dont fake my feelings. Now i know some people are just need to wait for declaration...but yes the note was not fake. I had taken enough gratitude and when i wrote it i make sure i harbour no ill thoughts. Up to you to believe. If you think it is not sincere, it is your mind not  your senses.

If you know me, i wont even bother writing in the first place.  i will just put and go.

In fact i am ashamed of myself for being so cheapo. Pakai barang orang tapi tak tegur sapa...because the word when it was pass to me is "pinjam" not i remember that.

Well i had taken enough gratitude..and thank you to you too for helping u said the relationship is kept to minimal. Thank you for all the good times 

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