Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend! :)

Parent's home

The wait is finally over...after the Subuh, i got my younger brother to buy breakfast at MacDonald's while i had the noodles.

Around 1130 i fetch my youngest sister from her weekend religious class and we all took a cab to airport.

Once reach at 12pm, made enquiries on the maxi cab and also went to take a look at the flight arrival.

They will reach at 1...

since it was early, we head to Polar for snacks as youngest one is hungry.

Around 12.45 we head down to the arrival hall..and went to peek around...I was looking around when i saw Dad's elder Sister and her husband came..they are there to fetch my dad as well....

He asked me if he can send my parents home..i m like...u r already there might as well..

exactly at 1.10pm, we saw our dad and our mom strolling out towards their belt and their eyes were searching for us until they spot our waving hands....Dad was shavedddd :P

Baggage very the time they came out it was 1.40...

I gave them a good hug.. :) so since my uncle is sending them home...and i remembered they went away with 1 big bag and 1 small hand carry but now they have 2 big bags, 2 hand carry...wah wah wahhhhhh!~

I got a jubah, a ring, a songkok haji, a shirt (a bit tight though) .. so happy :) Alhamdulillah ! :)

They actually bought a lot of things...but i was looking forward to drink the Zam Zam water...

Oh well...guests started streaming in and we were kept bz..hence the late update coz i was very tired..

Sunday morning, wake up..breakfast and then prepare to go out for a wedding function.....guests came again....

I am totally tired..but happy and satisfied..

Now i have to wait for the pic which i took with the bride earlier today....and my sis text me to inform me that my primary school mate  best friend - Jamalulail send his wedding invitation (hand delivered) today to me ! was sent by another friend - Suhadi ...another primary school mate...

oh well both getting hitched as well..

Syukur Alhamdulillah :)

good nite peeps! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 13 without our parents

It is our last night without our parents. 2 weeks past real fast !

Alhamdulillah both parents and ourselves are well...except for khai who fall ill this week.

Dad called about an hour back..said flight delayed to 10 pm or 11 pm Saudi time which means about 3 am or 4 am our time and they would arrive about 2 pm or 3 pm Singapore time - there goes my intention of having breakfast at the airport :P

Anyways the old uncle will not be at the airport..sister diversion was sooo useful...then came the aunty from dad side who called asking if they can fetch dad..

i return her call and say not necessary as flight might be delayed and dont want to disturb other family timing lah.. :)

Oh well so it will be tomorrow...insya allah..fetching my dad and mom..hug and kiss them.. :)

muacks muacks muacks..

Ulasan 3 - Voguelicious

Dua minggu yang lepas, saya telah membaca mengenai kisah Voguelicious di Berita Minggu. Mengenai sekumpulan anak muda yang belum mencecah 21 tahun berpakaian seperti wanita...

Sebelum ini saya telah memberikan ulasan yang agak keras mengenai mereka kerana mengikutkan perasaan. Tetapi setelah berbicara bersama rakan rakan yang menanyakan tentang hal ini, maka pendapat kami terbahagi 3.

Publisiti Murahan BM atau benar benar ikhlas menyiarkan kisah sebegini sebagai contoh mengenai tergelincirnya remaja Melayu Islam Singapura?

Secara logik, kaum Melayu Muslim Singapura tidaklah begitu ramai hinggap perlukan persaingan jikalau di bandingkan dengan akhbar di Malaysia. Tetapi andaian saya ialah, mungkin kurang pembaca remaja Melayu Islam kerana mereka kini lebih gemar membaca akhbar Inggeris?

Maka kalau publisiti murahan mustahil tapi kemungkinan menarik perhatian orang untuk membeli BM pada hari itu sedikit sebanyak akan melonjakkan keuntungan kepada syarikat.

Kalau benar ikhlas menyiarkannya mengenai remaja Melayu Islam Singapura, soalan yang di timbulkan ialah - adakah remaja remaja ini yang kemungkinan belum menjangkau 21 tahun benar benar faham mengenai tindak balas hasil dari interviu ini? Adakah kisah ini hasil dari pihak penyiaran Berita Minggu atau sekadar rencana atau idea dari para pelajar yang sedang ber - intern?

Adakah kepastian atau ke izinan dari keluarga di dapatkan sebelum melakukan interviu yang begitu mengaibkan kerana ia bukan sahaja melibat remaja remaja malahan yang terheret sekali ialah keluarga - ibu bapa, rakan taulan, sahabat handai atau saudara mara. Secara amnya, keluarga melayu atau orang melayu memang rapat dan ia menjejaskan ramai pihak.

Kalau benar ia ikhlas, bagaimanakah pendapat dari segi agama? Penganut Islam kebanyakkannya orang Melayu dan ini sudah terang melanggar hukum - soal perilaku dan fitrah, halal dan haram dan akhirat?

Bagi pihak Voguelicious, syabas kerana anda berani ke depan meluahkan perasaan. Pada hemah saya tak salah kalau anda memberitahu perihal sebenar - jiwa naluri anda. Tidak salah. Tetapi, kewajipan kita sebagai anak akan tetap menjadi kewajipan dan ini tiada tetapinya (no buts)

Pertama - Kewajipan agama - taat pada perintah Allah SWT.
Kedua - kewajipan mencapai yang terbaik buat diri anda supaya dapat menjamin masa depan yang cerah untuk hari esok - seperti mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik supaya dapat membantu keluarga.
Ketiga - kewajipan menjaga nama baik dan maruah keluarga.
Ke-Empat - sebagai lelaki, kewajipan menjadi khalifah/ketua keluarga pada masa hadapan (insya Allah)

Memang saya akur dengan pendapat anda semua bahawa ada lelaki lembut itu wujud, homoseksual pun wujud maka tetapi harus juga kita berpendapat bahawa Allah SWT akan senantiasa bersama kita dan perhatikan gerak geri kita setiap masa.

Sebagai penganut Islam, setiap perkara yang terjadi pada diri kita adalah ujian dan kita harus terima ujian dan reda melaluinya.

Maka jika naluri anda seperti perempuan tetapi jasad anda tetap lelaki dan bila mati bukan wanita yang akan memandikan awak tetapi kaum lelaki - ini adalah hakikatnya.

Maka tiada salahnya jika saya berkata bahawa anda semua harus tabah melalui kehidupan ini. Jangan sesekali jatuh mengikut perasaan. Allah Maha Mengetahui dan setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaian - Insya Allah.

Saya akur bahawa tidak semestinya hidup anda aman bahagia atas usikan dan gurauan kasar yang di laungkan dan juga memalukan kerana saya sendiri telah melaluinya.

Saya juga mempunyai sejarah saya sendiri tapi saya mula berfikir dan alhamdulillah, fokus saya adalah pada kerjaya saya.

Yang penting ingat 3 perkara - Allah, IbuBapa dan Adik beradik.

Yang lain jangan ambil peduli kerana...di waktu kita senang dan susah Allah , Ibu dan Bapa bersama kita.. bukan kawan kita.. Bila kita di jemput pulang ke Rahmatullah, cuma adik beradik kita sahaja akan doakan kita. (kalau di jemput awal sebelum ibu bapa...maka ibu bapa akan doakan kita juga)

Kita perlu menyelidik cara pendidikan disekolah. Cuba fikirkan - pada zaman ini, anak anak meluangkan lebih banyak masa di sekolah dari di rumah. Ibu bapa juga lebih banyak bekerja - untuk kesenangan anak anak. Tapi janganlah kita mengabaikan tanggungjawab masing masing.

Di sekolah, anak anak kita mungkin di ejek, di buli, di tertawakan. Kalau anak anak mengadu jangan ambil mudah, harus dengar dan fahamkan apa yang ingin di sampai oleh si anak dan cuba berbual pada guru untuk mendapatkan kepastian mengenai perkara perkara seperti di katakan tadi.

Akhir kata, saya bukan dari golongan yang alim ulama tetapi saya hanya memberikan ulasan apa yang di bincangkan oleh beberapa kawan saya. Maka dari itu saya mohon maaf kalau pendapat saya anda kurang senang tetapi, saya maksudkan yang terbaik untuk anda.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 12 without our parents

They called like at 830 pm....Singapore time.. Mentioned that they are at Jeddah's Trident Hotel.

Gave me the hotel number and i called them quoting their room number to the operator :)

Talked to mom..said that she will be leaving Jeddah tomorrow night (friday 7.30pm is the schedule) but God knows what time she will actually leave and land Singapore

Aniwaeeesss...yours truly will hold a welcome back function on Saturday itself.

OHHHH! must shareee

My darn irritating uncle insisted to bring my grandma over on Saturday..if he didnt bring her home he is going to get a thrashing from me...a earful...SEBAKUL AKU KASI KAU! Siap lerrrrr

Anyway my sister answered his call (thank God). Told him that I will fetch mother with Dad's side (to divert him away from fetching mother at airport)

Sister told him mom might get delayed as usual (Saudi Airlines arent really the best airlines in the world)

so dont hope of seeing them by 1 or something...tell them to come later..

I tell u this guy really get on my nerves....

Sometimes i wonder why he is still around...should be gone by now..darn irritating...

haiz...i miss u mother, father... :(

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 11 without our parents

It is Day 11 without our parents. It is also their final night in Makkah. They will be leaving for Jeddah tomorrow - Thursday. I believe they will spend a night there before heading to take the plane on Friday evening and back home by Saturday. Time TBA.

Sister told me that Grandma called to inform she will be coming on Sunday. Dont underestimate the influence i had over my other aunties and uncles. See now the tables are turn.

You may not like me but others like me. Dont point 1 finger at me coz the rest of the fingers are pointing back at you. I never disturb ur life so dont disturb mine.

Whatever it is, i engaged a caterer to help prepare food for parent's return on Saturday (yes i dont expect to cook).

Also,  it will be a small gathering of close relations to welcome them home. I will be the first at the airport.... :)

Greet them, kiss them and hug them ! :)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 10 without our parents

I called Dad..and he called me later in the evening. That's because i send an sms requesting for a jubah for Sarini's husband.

Something piss me off this evening.

That beloved uncle called. Spoke to my sister and was very adamant to know my mom's ETA.

I refused to give!

Next he wanted Grandma to come my place on Friday night...~ i was like Hellooooo you dont want to let my mom rest first for a week or two before or what?

Then he mentioned something about ambil berkat orang baru balik Makkah..i m superstitious? Is there such rule? I only remember that i kiss them because they are finally back with us..dalam niat di hati sikit pun nak ambil berkat or watever because RAHMAH datang dari Tuhan..bukan manusia..and if  u want rahmah then u must know what to do in order to get it from Him~

I think he insist to get my mom back which i will not allow. i get to see them first..they are my parents...

so darn irritating!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 9 without our parents

Dad and mom didnt call today. Possibly busy doing shopping spree :P

Work is fine..the lady from one of the oil company really gave a new meaning to the word "BITCH" to a new perspective :) I do hope she got a nose bleed when i gave the same amount of dosage back to her.

A lot to catch up and Alhamdulillah..i manage to do it.. :)

Sister told me something about what the beloved uncle said. Dont mistaken this term to be associated with loving is actually the opposite.

I was so pissed...angry...and upset...i just hope he realise who is on the wrong side of the fence...


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Piccies of Day 7 without our parents @ Pizza Hut Harbourfront

Day 7 & Day 8 without our parents

The very reason for 2 days of entries is simple. I fall asleep yesterday night. I was soooo tired that i fell asleep and woke up at 9 am today!

Yes woke up with a fever that i had to miss the 2 weddings that was scheduled today.

Day 7

Saturday - the outing day. For breakfast we had nasi goreng sambal. I cooked it. Nuggets and hot dogs as well.

For Lunch we had Chicken rice. combine effort between me and my sister.

The youngest one had to go to Taka for a school programme. She was the helper for some dance group ..doing their make up for them.

At 4.45 the 3 of us (me, khai and Euniz) left home to meet her at Taka. Walk about at Taka and then head to Harbourfront for dinner @ pizza hut. Yes i paid..cost me a bomb.

walk about at Vivo and reached home slightly after 9.

think the rest was so tired they slept after shower..whereas i slept after 11-ish.

Dad and mom called a few times, line got cut off due to prepaid low. They were fine and still happy shopping and praying

I was meddling with FB when i think halfway i fall asleep. by the time i woke up, it was close to 9 am! hahha

Day 8

Ate whatever is in the kitchen i actually finished up the leftover chicken rice.

Dad and mom called. Dad call me at 10.55 which is 5.55 over there and i can hear the Azan Subuh in the background.

Dad said he could not get any money out from his MasterCard POSB. I told him dont worry, will try to get it settle for him.

I called DBS and talk to the person. After that sms Dad as i dont wanna disturb him praying.

Dad called again later to mention that he tried everything but still cant. I told him give me a while. I check the net and locate the bank that is in Makkah vicinity.

I tell u, this Arabs customer service have very poor service. They are impatience and rude. I never had a bank customer service officer raising their voice at me - even though I OWE them money!

(doesnt $55.00 in your credit card outstanding that you forgot to pay means owing them still?)

Anyway i made my point and i just put down the phone. They have to learn how to talk to people properly. Take a leaf out of Singapore then.

Dad and mom called again. This time round Dad worries in case the money he brought is not enough. I told him what the bank officer told me and get him to use his Visa instead to go the bank branch to withdraw based on cash advance. He told me to put in another $1K on his POSB everyday account from our main family account.

I did that and at the same time he withdraw 5k Saudi Riyal ! hahahaha

5K saudi riyal = SGD 1800!

I asked him u planning to buy every neighbour a gift or something?  He got a shocked too..he confused a bit..but he said it's ok..will transfer the money back when he is back in SG!

seems they are happy there and enjoying...well it's the last weekend. I will see them again next weekend = insya Allah :)

Nitez Peepz..that's my entries for today.

Oh by the way, i am planning and seriously planning on my bridal gathering all the things to be bought..insya Allah by August 10 i should be ready. Amin.

But going on slow so taking only on engagements and ROMM. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 6 without our parents

I was on MC today - my legs were in pain and i was running a slight fever. Went to the doctor and managed to get an MC for today.

My siblings were babbling about why mom didnt call them yesterday and i made a point to call them this morning at 7 am (their time which is 12 pm Singapore's)

No one answered.

After a few minutes dad returns my call! Alhamdulillah!

They are fine and Dad said they didnt call because they wanna leave some balances as he has yet to top up the line.

i m fine with that.

He asked me if i wanna have anything else there..i wish i could say - come back quickly please.. :)

haha..but nah held my tongue on that one.

it was a fast one but i overheard my mom's voice - that my dad had his head shaved! ahha! cant imagine how he look like!

Anyway I slept from 3 plus to 6 plus after taking medication..was soooo bump~!

Taught the 2 younger ones on the Al-Baqarah...and had din din- Rin cooked Fish sambal and stir fry broccoli with carrots - yum yum!

Monday was ayam masak merah , tuesday was sambal goreng, wednesday was fish and thursday was dalcar with roti kirai..

I m cooking nasi goreng sambal for breakfast ( request by the kids) and sister will cook chicken rice for lunch...

and i m going to rest the whole day before going out tomorrow to fetch the youngest one from Takashimaya.

Oh well hope all will be well - Insya Allah.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 5 without our parents

Parents didnt call anyone today. I assume they are busy with their stuff.

Had a meeting with my department people...and yes as usual its always so crappy one..

i give up.

Went to work early because of the training...the meeting lasted till 5 pm. I was suppose to leave at 4.45..

yes end up i take cab to the camp again. But not too bad i improved compare to the last one. :)

Alhamdulillah , its the last session time to slow jog and recover... :)

When i was leaving the camp,  sis called and tell me that my uncle asked my sis if my parents had reach the Holy City. He request that my parents to pray for the well being of all the siblings and hopefully mend the broken ties.

Knowing my parents i believe they will do it lah..but i have to jalankan amanah orang u see..if not later people say i busuk hati. :P

yes i dont like that uncle...he is full of crap because he behave as if he is the only who learns or deepens his religious fervour into Islam.

If we ever shared our credentials in Islam, i think he will be shocked and probably die or something but we never believe in showing off. In fact when my sister told him where she is right now, he gave her a look of disbelieve.

Another cousin eyes bulge when i started conversing in pure Arabic with another cousin. Yes that was showing off... but practise makes perfect u see?


Anyway good nite to all..i m super duper tired..and please pray for my parents will ya? love u lots.. muacks!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 4 without our parents

I left home for office at 7.15 am and while on the way i fall asleep.

I was aware that i was listening to CTKD - Sebagai Teman when i start to doze when i heard a voice - "mak kau dah takde"

My tears stream down my cheeks - thank God i had my Gucci on. Then i woke up and realise i m in the train. How embarrassing.

Reached office in an emo state. about close to 9 am, my phone rang! it was Dad!

Mom told me that they reached the Holy City about midnight, put their luggage down, had something to eat and shower before doing tawaf and sa-i..right about 2 am or so.. they reached back hotel at 3 or 4 am ...and they went shopping (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?)

I asked mom how's the Kaabah? is it big? how was her feeling?

For those who dont know what is Kaabah, it is the cube structure that is covered by a black cloth with gold thread.

She said yes it is big...she cant describe it..she felt happy sad...i believe her..i shared her feelings too!

she told me what she bought and she got my ring for me :)

I gave her my white and purple gold with diamonds ring as we all are aware of the fact that Malay Muslim Men cannot wear gold (regardless what type of gold as long as it has gold or mixed we still cant wear it) and in exchange she bought me a new ring.

I am ok with it and i trust her taste

Apparently she is enjoying herself.

She calls again while i was showering at home - manage to speak to her...hmmm dad's leg is bleeding. thank God they had brought along all sorts of medication - antibiotics, cream etc.. so it is in control now.

They were leaving for Asar and we had just done our nice to pray at Masjidil Haram and pray anywhere coz all around the Kaabah is the kiblat!

Spoke to my siblings today on Saturday weekend plan. Probably going Vivo City to walk walk..and eat dinner outside.. :) have to bring them out too lah :)

oh well..hope all will be well :)


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hi All,

Before you read this post, do click on the links below:,6879,160849,00.html?,6879,160843,00.html?,6879,160848,00.html?,6879,160847,00.html?

First and foremost, as discussed with my fellow friends, who almost have the same desires as they are - who are effeminate and older...and yours truly who was forever being teased, disturbed and whatever you have witness, that this publication is totally unnecessary.

What are they trying to prove? To be accepted? To gain publicity? To be Popular?

Nothing. I dont see anything good coming out of it.

First of all, let's get this clear.

even if they feel that they are supposed to be women, judging from their names i assume THEY are Muslims - our Muslim Women are not supposed to be even dressed the way they are dressed.

secondly, if you dont want people to pay attention to you, dress modestly, not provocatively.

thirdly, dont BLAME people if you get sneered - you asked for it.

I have friends who are almost the same as they are but they know how to behave themselves. They dress modestly, hold good jobs, support the family and learn how to change with the times.

What are these kids doing? I am not sure of their background - they seems to love dancing which is good at least it is not an immoral activity, some are school drop outs.. how many are graduates? if they are, good. if they are not, maybe there is more to life than just dropping out of school and mess it up right?

Where are the parents? Should not the parents take a keen interest in their children's life?

Let's not even go to the religion side of it yet..just view it based on moral values - RIGHT OR WRONG?

Putting myself in their shoes, perhaps i feel that they are just expressing themselves but do it with dignity...why shame people that are related to you? why are u even agreeing to talk about it to the media in the first place?

Whatever it is, remember it is not just about you. It affects the people around you. Even if your loved ones can accept you, have you forgotten something? Him who create us ? Him who gives us life? Have you all forgotten Him?

Perhaps they are still young and as mentioned by Fauzi Rassul, perhaps it is just a phase.

Day 3 without our parents

Life goes on.. :)

Dad and mom left for Makkah from Madinah today. It is the moment they are waiting for. They will perform the umrah today.

Dad and mom didnt call me but they called home instead. I am fine with it as long as they call someone.

I had my training today and it was freaking tired. thank God it is the last session before the IPPT this Thursday.

While on way back, i saw a status update on Khailee at FB. saw something on some pretty boy thingy..

found out it's about Voguelicious.. hmmm i started reading online about what's going on. Apparently i miss the juicy news which was published on Berita Minggu!

Anyway the next post will be dedicated solely for them.

read on darlings!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 2 without our parents

I woke up early but laze till like 6.10 am...

woke my brother up as he needs to report to camp and i use the shower at my mom's room..

could not find the bloody shaver so went to work in a mess.

cleared lots of things..

bz with work as i was on leave for 3 days last week..and was doing work, sms-ing my sisters and brother and father (yes he sms me..)

finally about 1322 pm which is about 822 am in Madinah..he called! haha...manage to speak to dad and mom..
they went to Masjid Nabawi...the prophet's mosque! Alhamdulillah..i m so happy to hear that.. :)

Dad surprised me further by getting a new SIM Card from there ( for easy communication purpose) hahaha i m impressed!

Sisters went to do grocery shopping ( i gave them some suggestion for breakfast and their lunch)

Dearest Rin and her maid cook ayam masak merah and stir fry cabbage with egg.. taste nice.. :)

all in all is a simple day...just that it is only without our parents by our side...

13 more days before they return~! look forward to seeing you daddy mommy!

PS: Rin got the face mask for me today and i think it works well with me... sis face looks so clear after using it..i dont think 2 pack is enough for me..i should buy 4 more ! hahaha

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 1 without our parents

It is certainly a different kind of feeling. Sort of, emptiness.

I went to their room (as a habit everytime i reach home) but no one greeted me :(

All is well. I went to Obek Ocha's wedding with my mom's youngest sister and her husband.

Then went home to get ready for training.

The siblings wanted KFC today but i was not in a mood for KFC so i bought lime, cili padi and cook nasi goreng sambal belacan with fish cake!

Dad send an sms at 9.26 am to inform us that he has reached Jeddah and another one at 8.53 pm to let us know that his hotel got no mobile line and has already reached Madina.

When i called he wanted to go for his Asar prayers ( we are like at 9 pm...after isyak even) and asked me to call back...

but when i did at 11 he didnt pick send him a short sms that we are going to bed and told them dont worry we are fine and advise them to care for each other :)

Miss you dad & mom..come back soon :)


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tanah Suci

Hari ini, abah dan mak pergi mengerjakan umrah.

Saat saat yang di nantikan 3 bulan lamanya akhirnya tiba. Kita sempat berjemaah subuh dan ini lah doa ku tadi pagi:

Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim,
Ampunkanlah dosa dosa kami (3x)
Limpahkanlah kami,
kurniaan dari Mu,
rezeki dari Mu,
Rahmat dari Mu.

Ya Allah,
Terimalah ibadah kami,
Lindungilah kami dari azabMu
Jauhi kami dari NerakaMu
Dekatkan kami ke jalan yang di redhaiMu

Ya Rabb,
Andai hari ini adalah kali terakhir kami bersama,
Kau berilah kami kekuatan untuk melalui hidup ini,
Andai hari ini adalah hari terakhir kami tatapi wajah masing masing,
Kau temukanlah kami di SyurgaMu.

Ya Tuhan Semesta Alam,
Sesungguhnya hidup kami, mati kami dan ibadah kami
adalah untukMu
Maka berikanlah terbaik untuk kami sekeluarga.

Wa'sollallahu ala Nabiyyil Ummiyi Wa'ala alihi Wassahbihi Wassalam..
Walhamdulillahir Rabbil Alamin...

Memang perasaan di tinggal kan ibu bapa amat pedih..ini baru meninggalkan untuk mengerjakan umrah..bayangkan Haji atau meninggalkan untuk selama lamanya?

Bayangkan peritnya.

Walau apa pun, sempat abah memberi taklimat kecil untuk kami adik beradik - bahawa jikalau beliau dan mak tidak balik, saya harus di anggap sebagai ketua keluarga kerana saya anak yang sulong.

Pembahagian harta harus mengikut farait dan rumah ini adalah untuk kami adik beradik tinggal sehingga tiba suatu masa untuk jual.

Apa pun saya harap mak dan abah dapat mengerjakan umrah dengan sempurna dan insya Allah dapat menyambut abah dan mak pulang pada 27th March 2010.

Kepada pembaca harap dapat sama sama doakan kepulangan bonda dan ayahanda saya yang tercinta..