Tuesday, February 10, 2009

$1 per person

Everyone seems to be worrying about money everyday. Who doesnt? My dad got his pay cut, no more overtime and that means his pay will start to dwindle down to basic.

A thought occured to me.

Let's say a family need $30K to survive for a year (assuming he has no debts or car etc) and if each person gives $1.00 to a "central fund deposit" and within a day 30000 people contribute, we could help a family for a year!

Imagine if we can raise a million???! and distribute it to about 30 families?

30families x $30000 =

wishful thinking. I mean when we give, we have to give to those who is really in need. Those really have no money, no food, etc. at least improve their life a bit.

but then who will ever give a thought to such things? haha...all we care is about our own pocket..our own life..our own job..our own savings..selfishly us!

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