Sunday, December 28, 2008

Home & Maal Hijrah

I am finally home and I had distribute gifts to my mom and aunt..The Selendangs Remember? They loved it. Mom was greedy and wanted all of it. I told her to distribute it and if she liked it so much, i can always go there and buy time i buy 30-40! hahaa...

It was also my brother's birthday today and the poor guy had to go back to camp today. A bit sad and it was obvious in his face but reality check, we all should not feel sorry but should feel proud that he is serving the country!

My grandma even suggested that we should carry the bag for him much to my horror! haha..I tell everyone not to do that lest we embarrased him. I only offered to pay for the cab ride but he refused. (good guy!)

As the year coming to an end based on gregorian calender, today is the last day of the Muslim calender year. Tomorrow is the beginning of the Muslim Year.

To All Muslims, Maal Hijrah and I hope that all of you will have a blessed year ahead. Insya Allah.



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