Times are really bad. There is never an iron rice bowl anymore.
However, this does not seems to affect my grandmother. She seems oblivious to her surrounding. As we were away for wedding preparations and receiving guests, mom requested that my grandma to be put to my uncle's place for the time being.
My dad was happy of course. Without overtime, he can no longer keep up to maintain both my grandma and my aunt.
However, i understand from my mom that my grandma insist on coming back to my home and she is coming back today.
My dad's expression was very sullen. He told my mother why her siblings could not help out by giving us some amount of money to keep up to maintain my grandmother.
As the eldest, i have no comments.
However, taking a stand from Islam point of view,
The responsibility lies with the sons.
My grandmother have 4 sons:
1. Yusof
2. Ramli
3. Zul
4. Ayop
I find that all the 4 hopeless.
It is a long long long story for me to tell but think about it, if each son can contribute just $50.00 to maintaining both mother and daughter, i think my dad would not have said much and if each daughter gives about the same amount too, (my grandma has 7 daughters), it is more than enough!
All i can say to mom and dad is to be very patient. Allah SWT, sees and feels and knows what our hearts are going thru. Yes we feel angry towards our relatives but that should not be the way.
I am very
syukur that Allah SWT has blessed me with a huge responsibility of maintaining the household. Imagine just me and my dad who is working is supporting a family of 8 and I don't even live in my own home anymore (most of the time).
I am very
syukur that Allah SWT has given me the strength to steel my heart against all sort of feelings and to endure it. I believed only after enduring it, shall i be given the reward. Insya Allah.
I am very
syukur that I am given the opportunity to care for an old lady who has given much to me more than half of my life. This is my opportunity to return the favour and to get more points for myself. May Allah SWT bless her and shower her with the best of health.
May Allah SWT, bless my family, bring us closer in our time of need and more
rezeki so that we all can live comfortably and have enough for everybody.
To my dad and mom, i hope you all sabar with this ujian, Insya Allah, we will be blessed always.
To my siblings, pray for the best and do not miss a prayer. It is only when one submits to His Will then one shall be duly rewarded.
To my uncles and aunties and cousins, do open up your eyes and help us. We are not feeding a child,we are feeding your mother. She is your responsibility too. Share this with us and hopefully, we will all be blessed by this responsibility - Insya Allah.
To all readers, pray that everything will turn out well for my family. Amin.