Sunday, March 22, 2009

Make up!

It has been a while since i last do a make up job for someone. Yes, i gained much experience about 10 years ago when I was doing make up for dancers and for some shows.

The lady you see above is my youngest aunt, my mom's sister. As our age .
gap is of 10 years difference, we get along fine.
She seek my help as she was getting promoted to a Sales Manager. Kelass kan Sales Manager!
Anyway, as she has not much make up, I bought some make ups for her as well and gave it to her as well.
I thought she look pretty ok - looks like i need to brush up on my skill!
She likes it very much and I really hope you enjoy herself today! I m going to wait up for updates!

Oh by the way, the pics are from Before to After..:) haha. Enjoyz!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Aku sudah tidak sanggup untuk menghadapi masalah yang akan timbul, maka aku sempat menghantar email pada makcikku yang bongsu sebelah ibu. Dia selalu mendengar keluhan hati dan masalah kami tapi apa yang dia boleh lakukan?

Tapi selagi tak cuba selagi tu kita tak tahu jadi baik cuba dahulu.

Dalam warkah ku, aku mohon supaya semua anak anak nenek yang lelaki mengambil berat tentang nenek dan aku mengingatkan yang tiap tiap lelaki di dunia harus menjaga tiap tiap wanita di dunia yang ada kaitan dalam hidupnya.

Ini sudah nyata seperti di firmankan di Al Quran Surah An-Nisaa Ayat 34.

Aku amat berharap semoga ada penyelesaian pada masalah ini dan bukan perkelahian yang aku inginkan. Moga Allah SWT menunjukkan kita ke jalan yang diredhainya. Amin.


Kadang kala kita akan mengalami perasaan kehampaan dalam diri kita. Hampa dari segi apa pun:
terhadap rakan rakan
terhadap adik beradik
terhadap ibu bapa
terhadap orang sekeliling.

Sesungguhnya kita tidak boleh menghalang perasaan itu bermaharajalela di hati kita kerana ia akan memberi kesan buruk pada diri kita.

Dalam kehidupan Edz, memang ada kehampaan tetapi apakan daya tetap harus di teruskan.

Setiap kehampaan yang Edz lalui, Edz terima dengan hati terbuka. Edz hanya mampu serahkan sebulat bulatnya pada Allah SWT untuk mengubati hati Edz yang terluka.

Memang Edz tak ramai kawan sebab mungkin Edz tak pandai berkawan.

Edz memang mempunyai mulut yang kurang diam tapi apa pun kawan Edz minta pertolongan dengan keihklasan Edz akan memberi dari segi apa pun, wang ringgit? masa? apa saja Edz akan cuba.

Apakan daya kadangkala bila kita dah menolong orang tak akan ingat. Tapi Edz tahu Allah SWT lebih mengetahui. Bukan mengharap balasan tapi Mak Edz selalu pesan jangan kerana sikap buruk seseorang kita lupa kebaikannya pada kita. Tiap tiap orang harus di beri peluang berkali kali kerana dia juga manusia dan mampu melakukan kebaikkan dan tidak lepas dari keburukkan.

Kadang kadang hairan juga lah macam mana ada setengah setengah manusia tu boleh berbuat baik di depan Edz dan memburukkan seseorang di depan Edz tapi di belakang kita dia terbalikkan cerita dan memburukkan Edz di depan orang yang baru di cacinya pad Edz. Semoga Allah SWT mengampunilah dosa dia.

Tapi Edz tahu bahawa apa yang Edz lalui hanya sementara. Semoga Allah SWT membalas yang terbaik buat Edz dan kenalan kenalan Edz yang pernah Edz tolong. Semoga Allah merahmati mereka yang senantiasa berbuat baik demi Allah SWT dan ampunkan mereka yang membuat kejahatan dan keburukkan kerana kekadang itu bukan apa yang dia mahukan.

"Ya Allah, ampunkanlah kesilapan dan dosaku. Mudahkanlah perjalananku di dunia ini semoga aku senantiasa berfikiran yang terbaik buat semua perkara. Ya Allah, berikanlahku petunjuk untuk apa jua perkara semoga ia berada di jalan yang diredhaiMu. Sesungguhnya aku mahu yang terbaik buat diriku dan keluargaku. Semoga kami semua berada di dalam rahmatMu selalu. Amin. "

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Times are really bad. There is never an iron rice bowl anymore.

However, this does not seems to affect my grandmother. She seems oblivious to her surrounding. As we were away for wedding preparations and receiving guests, mom requested that my grandma to be put to my uncle's place for the time being.

My dad was happy of course. Without overtime, he can no longer keep up to maintain both my grandma and my aunt.

However, i understand from my mom that my grandma insist on coming back to my home and she is coming back today.

My dad's expression was very sullen. He told my mother why her siblings could not help out by giving us some amount of money to keep up to maintain my grandmother.

As the eldest, i have no comments.

However, taking a stand from Islam point of view,

The responsibility lies with the sons.

My grandmother have 4 sons:

1. Yusof
2. Ramli
3. Zul
4. Ayop

I find that all the 4 hopeless.

It is a long long long story for me to tell but think about it, if each son can contribute just $50.00 to maintaining both mother and daughter, i think my dad would not have said much and if each daughter gives about the same amount too, (my grandma has 7 daughters), it is more than enough!

All i can say to mom and dad is to be very patient. Allah SWT, sees and feels and knows what our hearts are going thru. Yes we feel angry towards our relatives but that should not be the way.

I am very syukur that Allah SWT has blessed me with a huge responsibility of maintaining the household. Imagine just me and my dad who is working is supporting a family of 8 and I don't even live in my own home anymore (most of the time).

I am very syukur that Allah SWT has given me the strength to steel my heart against all sort of feelings and to endure it. I believed only after enduring it, shall i be given the reward. Insya Allah.

I am very syukur that I am given the opportunity to care for an old lady who has given much to me more than half of my life. This is my opportunity to return the favour and to get more points for myself. May Allah SWT bless her and shower her with the best of health.

May Allah SWT, bless my family, bring us closer in our time of need and more rezeki so that we all can live comfortably and have enough for everybody.

To my dad and mom, i hope you all sabar with this ujian, Insya Allah, we will be blessed always.

To my siblings, pray for the best and do not miss a prayer. It is only when one submits to His Will then one shall be duly rewarded.

To my uncles and aunties and cousins, do open up your eyes and help us. We are not feeding a child,we are feeding your mother. She is your responsibility too. Share this with us and hopefully, we will all be blessed by this responsibility - Insya Allah.

To all readers, pray that everything will turn out well for my family. Amin.

Busy Busy

Once again I apologise. It has been a busy busy schedule for me.

Right after the last post, i lost all moods to write. I mean i really tried but I look back to what I have been accused of and start to improve the way i work (well just in case my boss is right and i do have to get my ass covered!)

However a short discussion with colleagues from various department, i find that they share the same opinion - that I am very sensitive and they are aware it stems from the fact that I do my job and i dont like to be accused of not doing it.

And so, i know i am right!

Well what i have been doing? Alhamdulillah, still busy at work and when you are busy, it is good for you.
As a cousin from dad's side got married last week, i been busy too. Went around thinking what to buy and end up ordering some cakes from Prima Deli for the Saturday night as gifts to the family and prepare Ang Bao for the groom. haha..

Wedding itself is as per all malay weddings you see anywhere on the streets.

Some do ask why we do it under HDB void deck or the multi purpose hall.

We are a community that is very close and we do have a lot of contacts with each another.

Our wedding invitation can be as high as 1000 persons or more and NOT everyone can come at the same time. Therefore it is more sensible to do it at HDB and prepare for it.

Some of my chinese friends says it is cheap - of course you compare to your chinese wedding it is cheap but let's hear this:

1. Malay have 2 separate receptions and each reception cost at least minimum per head is $10.00 so if 2 receptions (bride and groom) and for at least a thousand guest for each, that would be $10000 each!

2. The dowry or mas kahwin they call it is about $100 i think(not sure the rate now) but the hantaran or bridal gifts is a minimum $7K now without the other gifts. $7k in cash

3. The photo taking, changing of clothes etc, the mak andam services, can cost close to $4k to $10K depending on what services the bride wants.

Hence if you ask me, it all depends on individual. However as society becomes more educated and more religious, some are doing the basics and there would be no pelamin etc as it is considered haram.

Aside from that, I would like to share with you a couple (they are my dad's cousin from Malaysia) who came over to our house and stay.

Lovely couple and very nice and friendly. I bought gifts for them to bring home to Malaysia. I find that they have this aura of serenity about them. Something about the way they practise their Muslim faith.

Whatever it is, they are really nice. I miss having them around, even though it was such a short stay. However the surprise was, their son is a model and his last casting for a Hari Raya 2008 petronas advert together with Maria Arshad! Now i know who that guy is, can consider a 2nd generation cousin.

Aunty said she will introduce her sons to us when they come again here or when we are there.

I am looking forward to it!

Selamat Pengantin Baru

Kepada Sepupu Saya yang baru bernikah seminggu yang lalu, saya sekeluarga, mengucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru dan moga moga kekal ke anak cucu. Insya Allah.